
Stimmen gegen die Kürzungen im Berliner Kulturetat

Internationale Stimmen gegen die Kürzungen im Berliner Kulturetat

Milo Rau, Intendant der Wiener Festwochen
"Lassen Sie nicht zu, dass sich Berlin, diese weltoffene und für seine Diversität gefeierte Stadt, hier einreiht. Ist die lebendige und vielseitige kulturelle Szene der Stadt erst einmal durch einschneidende Etatkürzungen geschwächt, wird sie ihrer wichtigen Rolle im gesellschaftlichen Zusammenleben nicht mehr gerecht werden können.”

Ekaterina Degot, Intendantin und Chefkuratorin steirischer herbst Festival
“Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit, in der extreme, ausgrenzende und vereinfachende politische Kräfte sowohl in Europa als auch global an Einfluss gewinnen. Kunst und Kultur können als Gegenpole wirken: Sie stiften Gemeinschaft, regen kritisches und solidarisches Denken an und machen eine Vielfalt von Perspektiven sichtbar. Gerade jetzt die geplanten Kürzungen umzusetzen, wäre ein Schritt in die falsche Richtung.”

Dries Douibi, Artistic Co-Director Kunstenfestivaldesarts
“It's not only tragic, but also dangerous in the current climate where the European project is under high pressure by external and internal forces. Your lack of cultural policy and vision, is a devastating blow for Berlin, its citizens, but also for all the European citizens who want to defend a free and democratic Europe.”

Emily Ansenk (Director) and Kasia Torz (Programming director theatre & dance) Holland Festival
“In a longer perspective the results of these cuts may be severe. Underfinancing local institutions like HAU has always enormous impact on international collaboration, exchange and dialogue. It affects the strength of the German culture field and – in large – the entire society.”

Bettina Kogler, Künstlerische Leitung Tanzquartier Wien
“Im internationalen Vergleich und von einer Außenperspektive betrachtet, gehört die Berliner Kunst- und Kulturszene zu den wichtigsten in Europa. Wesentliche Impulse, die weit über die Stadtgrenzen hinausreichen, gehen von den in Berlin vertretenen Künstler*innen und Institutionen aus.”

Tim Etchells, Artistic Director Forced Entertainment
“Berlin is rightly considered a European and International pinnacle in terms of its support for new artistic creation and for its lively and dynamic theatre audiences. What you have, in Germany more generally and in Berlin specifically, is extremely precious and (I would say) unique environment for the arts and for audiences. It’s really a huge shame to see that under threat.”

Nicoleta Esinencu, Theatermacherin im Kollektiv teatru-spălătorie
“We stand in solidarity with the independent cultural scene of Berlin and are against the financial cuts that jeopardise their standing as supporters of international independent artists and collectives.”

Carolina Bianchi, Theaterschaffende, Autorin und Künstlerin
“The German theatre scene is a recurring inspiration around the world. The cuts in culture totally affect this system, all the people involved in this system, and therefore totally affect the dynamics of the cultural organisation of this city.”

River Lin, Artistic Director Taipei Arts Festival
“While living in this precarious time and global political climate, I'd like to express my advocacy for Berlin's performing arts sector, particularly for HAU. HAU has long played a crucial role in the German and international arts industries for its creative, innovative, and experimental direction of the arts and culture, and its impact and international connection have been clearly well-received in many parts of the world.”

Yvona Kreuzmannová, Founder and Director of Tanec Praha
“I firmly believe that the City of Berlin will reject the unacceptable proposals to cut arts budgets with full responsibility, knowing the almost devastating consequences of such serious decisions.”

Katarína Figula, Executive director Bratislava in Movement festival
“Berlin's unique cultural landscape has long been a beacon of innovation and creativity, drawing artists and audiences from around the globe. Eroding this foundation not only undermines the city's local institutions but also diminishes its global standing as a cultural capital.”

Amy Fee, General Manager Danscentrum Stockholm
“Berlin’s vibrant artistic community not only enriches local life but also serves as a cornerstone for international cultural collaboration. Reducing funding for the performing arts risks undermining this vital role, weakening Berlin’s standing as a beacon for artistic freedom and innovation.”

Diese Rede hielt Annemie Vanackere am 19.11.2024 bei #BerlinIstKultur – Das Konzert zu Gast im Festspielhaus

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Manuskript der Rede vom 19.11.2024 bei #BerlinIstKultur – Das Konzert zu Gast im Festspielhaus