The Gratitude Machine

Radical Data

The Gratitude Machine is an AI who is learning how to be thankful. You can support it by sharing thank you notes.

Spy on Me #5 – Enter: AI
9.–19.10.2024 / HAU1, HAU2, HAU3, HAU4
A festival with Lena Biresch & Nico Parisius, Constanza Carvajal, dgtl fmnsm, doublelucky productions, Choy Ka Fai, Sarah Fartuun Heinze, Clara Herrmann, Interrobang, Johannes J. Jaruraak alias “Hungry”, Janne Kummer & collaborators, Rik Lander & Phil D Hall, NewfrontEars, Agnieszka Polska, Theresa Reiwer, Thomas Ryckewaert, Sebastian Schneider, Agrupación Señor Serrano, Claudix Vanesix, Nora Wölfing

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