The Gratitude Machine is an AI who is learning how to be thankful. You can support it by sharing thank you notes.
The Gratitude Machine is an AI who is learning how to be thankful. You can support it by sharing thank you notes.
Spy on Me #5 – Enter: AI
9.–19.10.2024 / HAU1, HAU2, HAU3, HAU4
A festival with Lena Biresch & Nico Parisius, Constanza Carvajal, dgtl fmnsm, doublelucky productions, Choy Ka Fai, Sarah Fartuun Heinze, Clara Herrmann, Interrobang, Johannes J. Jaruraak alias “Hungry”, Janne Kummer & collaborators, Rik Lander & Phil D Hall, NewfrontEars, Agnieszka Polska, Theresa Reiwer, Thomas Ryckewaert, Sebastian Schneider, Agrupación Señor Serrano, Claudix Vanesix, Nora Wölfing