
The international production house HAU Hebbel am Ufer regularly initiates and realizes productions and their touring. With its infrastructure, HAU accompanies the artists involved over the entire production process, from the development phase to the premiere, and enables national and international guest performances.

Feel free to get in touch for further information and dossiers on the productions listed below. You can subscribe to the newsletter about current premieres and tour dates by sending an email.


Current Productions

Tour Dates

  • Current tour dates

    21.-23.+25.3.2025 / Nicoleta Esinencu & teatru-spălătorie / HAU “Dirty Laundry. The TrashOpera” / HAU Hebbel am Ufer / Premiere

  • Past tour dates

Past Productions

Ben Frost / HAU “The Wasp Factory”

Benny Claessens / HAU “The Last Goodbye / Vibrant Matter”

Douglas Gordon / Philip Venables / Ruth Rosenfeld / Ensemble Adapter / HAU “Bound to Hurt”

Fabian Hinrichs & Schorsch Kamerun / HAU “Ich habe um Hilfe gerufen. Es kamen Tierschreie zurück”

Kat Válastur / HAU “Arcana Swarm”
Kat Válastur / HAU “Stellar Fauna”
Kat Válastur “Rasp Your Soul”
Kat Válastur “OILinity”
Kat Válastur “AH! OH! A Contemporary Ritual”
Kat Válastur “GLAND”

Ligia Lewis “Still Not Still” / produziert von HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Ligia Lewis “Water Will (in Melody)” / produziert von HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Ligia Lewis “minor matter”
Ligia Lewis "Sorrow Swag"

Lina Majdalanie/Mazen Kerbaj/Rabih Mroué / HAU “Borborygmus”

Marina Davydova & Vera Martynov / HAU “Eternal Russia”

Nature Theater of Oklahoma “No President. A Story Ballett of Enlightenment in Two Immoral Acts”

Niels Bormann & Maryam Zaree / HAU “Kluge Gefühle”

Nuray Demir / HAU “speculative bitches”

Oliver Frljić / HAU “Naše nasilje i vaše nasilje / Unsere Gewalt und eure Gewalt” “Loulu”

Tamer Yiğit / HAU “Berlin-DNA”

Tümay Kılınçel / HAU “Melodrama Suits Her”