Manifestos are a powerful transformation medium, they are often composed not by one voice, but by a polyphony that condenses ideas, energies and wills. The project “Manifestos for Queer Futures” that opened the HAU festival “The Present is not enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures“ in June 2019 is following up on this practice and states the importance of not being a single being. What we witness is a group endeavor of a multitude that share, act and perform a same common. Showing a living dynamic of culture practices, intellectual circuits, affective networks, crossing time, imagining futures and enacting a potentiality of living otherwise.
As part of the festival, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures. 270 artists replied to the open call, and 26 were selected and will be presented on the stage of HAU2. The spectrum of projects covers a wide range, from works with cultural and socio-political references, active examinations of the past, to visions of a possible future. Now the full video documentation is available online – in the chronological order of the performances.