Susan Neiman


Prof. Dr. Susan Neiman is director of the Einstein Forum. She was born in Atlanta (USA) and studied philosophy at Harvard University and Freie Universität Berlin. Before she became director of the Einstein Forum she was professor for philosophy at Yale University and Tel Aviv University. Susan Neiman is author of "Slow Fire: Jewish Notes from Berlin“ (1992) and "The Unity of Reason: Rereading Kant“ (1994). In German she published "Das Böse denken: Eine andere Geschichte der Philosophie“ (2004), "Fremde sehen anders – Zur Lage der Bundesrepublik“ (2005), „Moralische Klarheit. Leitfaden für erwachsene Idealisten“ (2010) and most recently „Warum erwachsen werden? Eine philosophische Ermutigung“ (2015).