

::vtol:: is the alias of Moscow-based media artist Dmitry Morozov, whose work engages with various forms of electronic art, ranging from robotics to sound art and science art. Morozov was included in the 4th Moscow Biennale for contemporary Art and the Archstoyanie Festival (Nikola-Lenivets). In addition, he was invited to the CTM Festival – Festival for Adventurous Music and Art. His works have been shown at renown institutions such as NCCA (Moscow), MMOMA (Moscow), Laboratoria Art & Science Space (Moscow), Electromuseum (Moscow), Garage – Museum for Contempoary Art (Moscow), ZKM (Karlsruhe), and the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. He received the Sergei-Kuryokhin-Award (Moscow, 2013) and the Prix Cube (France, 2014) as well as an honorable mention at the VIDA 16.0 competition (Spain, 2014) and the Ars Electronica (Linz, 2015).
