Yasmeen Godder


Yasmeen Godder was born in Jerusalem and grew up in New York City, where she studied dance. She has lived in Israel again since 1999. She has toured the world as a freelance choreographer since 1997, visiting venues including the Lincoln Center Festival, Tokyo International Festival, HAU in Berlin, the Place Theater London, Montpellier Dance Festival, tanzhaus nrw, Kunstenfestivaldesarts and Theater Freiburg. She won a prestigious Bessie Award in 2001 and this has been followed by a series of other international awards. At her studio in Jaffa, which is a centre for both research and production, she teaches and organises numerous projects, also including the Arab Jewish community. In recent years she has collaborated with the dramaturg and dancer Monica Gilette in developing sustained work together with people with Parkinson’s disease that has had a major influence on her artistic practice.
