Zachary Oberzan


Zachary Oberzan, born in Saco, Maine (USA), works as a filmmaker, theatre director and singer-songwriter. As a founding member of the New York theatre collective Nature Theater of Oklahoma he has contributed to many pieces, including “No Dice”, which won an Obie Award, “Poetics: a ballet brut” and “Rambo Solo”. In addition, Oberzan has acted in productions by the Wooster Group and with Richard Foreman. In 2007 he produced the film “Flooding With Love For The Kid” based on David Morell's novel First Blood (1972). His first solo performance piece “Your Brother. Remember?” premiered 2010 at Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels and is still touring world-wide to great success. A stand-alone film version of “Your brother. Remember?” had its cinematic premiere in New York City in 2012. Furthermore Oberzan has recorded two albums, most recently “Athletes of Romance.” Since October 2013 he has been touring worldwide with his current solo “Tell Me Love Is Real” and has appeared at the festival Foreign Affairs, and as part of the festival “The Power of Powerlessness"  2015 at HAU Hebbel am Ufer. The performance “The Great Pretender”, developed in co-production with HAU Hebbel am Ufer and deSingel Antwerp, will be shown at HAU in 2017.
