17.–22.2. / HAU1, HAU2, HAU3
Language is everywhere. It changes constantly and it changes you. We use language to express our feelings and thoughts, mostly in words, often in images, sometimes even through silence – and this all applies to film too. Besides dialogue itself, there are of course also the different gestures, cultural codes and stories that are expressed in cinema via acting, colours, sound and editing. How can we speak through and about film together? Where do we face barriers in our understanding? Berlinale Talents invites the Berlin based audience to connect with renowned filmmakers and 200 Talents via talks and workshops and to find out about their creative processes. Guests and Talents from more than 60 countries and 14 fields of work bring the Berlinale’s vision of a diverse and accessible cultural sector to life – on the stages of HAU. Tickets can be booked exclusively online at www.berlinale.de.