On Justice

A discourse series

Can a pluralistic society be defended by relying more strongly on universal equality before the law? In the “On Justice” series, HAU wants to discuss the law as a civil society instrument for progressive movements and struggles for justice. What potential do legal means harbour to enforce the contents of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” as well as fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution in the courtroom? When and how can the law also be used to legally introduce authoritarian restrictions? What is the current state of asylum law, international law or freedom of expression and assembly? What would a law of the future look like in the context of climate catastrophe, sexualised violence, increasing militarisation and growing social divisions?

In order to address these questions and topics, HAU will bring together lawyers and prosecutors with social theorists, journalists, artists and activists in the discussion series “On Justice” in cooperation with the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in order to address both questions of legal theory and specific legal cases.

Audio recordings of the events will be available as a podcast free of charge afterwards.

To the podcast

A discourse series by HAU Hebbel am Ufer in cooperation with ECCHR (European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights). Funded by: Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.