Just because cultural events can no longer take place physically in times of the coronavirus, it doesn’t necessarily mean that art, theatre, music, discursive reflection and our joie de vivre have to grind to a halt. Even under these new circumstances, HAU doesn’t want to abandon the idea of the public. We see these restrictions as a challenge: through the use and further development of online formats such as streaming and podcasts or the expansion of our media library HAU3000, theatre should be adapted to these new conditions as a meeting place.
Historically, theatre has always reacted to social changes in a particularly sensitive way. In the current crisis, HAU sees itself as a social (theatre) laboratory. We can’t just let the virus separate us. Let’s use our existing potential to create viral solidarity for art and life.
As we were putting together the programme for “Spy on me #2” over the past year, we still had no idea what new relevance the promo text would have for our festival today: “We have arrived in the reality of digital transformation. Life with screens, apps and algorithms influences our behaviour, our attention and desires. Meanwhile the idea of the public space and of democracy is being reorganized by digital means.”
Over the past few days, we have been thrashing out new artistic manoeuvres for the digital present with our festival artists: which pieces can be streamed? Which unfortunately can’t? How can workshops be held in the digital sphere? And where can we meet online?
We cordially invite you to our free “Spy on Me #2” online programme. All videos are available on the HAU Youtube Channel unless otherwise stated.