Idea, text and composition: Christiane Rösinger / Director: Meike Schmitz, Christiane Rösinger / Co-composition: Paul Pötsch / Musical director: Laura Landergott, Paul Pötsch / Band: Laura Landergott, Paul Pötsch, Albertine Sarges / Performance: Sila Davulcu, Doreen Kutzke, Paula Irmschler, Julie Miess, Minh Duc Pham, Christiane Rösinger, Stefanie Sargnagel, Andreas Schwarz / Stage: Marlene Lockemann, Sina Manthey / Costume: Svenja Gassen / Mask: Thomas Korn & Juli Schulz / Video and live camera: Kathrin Krottenthaler / Choreography: Rúben Nsue / Lighting design: Hans Leser / Collaboration direction: Stella Nikisch / Collaboration stage: Rosina Zeus / Collaboration costume: Katharina Achterkamp, Aleix Ilusa / Collaboration dramaturgy and production: Lisa Homburger / Assistant choreography: Sara Fernández / Translation: Lyz Pfister / Setup and operating surtitles: Andrew Clarke (Panthea) / Artistic advice: Aenne Quiñones (HAU) / Technical direction: Amina Nouns (HAU) / Production management: Chiara Galesi (HAU)