Christiane Rösinger / HAU

Planet Egalia – A feminist ballad opera

  • Music
  • Theatre
German /  With English surtitles /  approx. 105 mins.
Five people are standing on the stage, the person in the middle is holding a kind of long stick towards the camera. In the background are two ancient Greek-looking large figures made of paper.

At the moment, dystopias are more popular than utopias. Things were completely different in the 1970s, when female authors were creating new models of society on distant planets and in possible terrestrial futures during the heyday of the feminist utopia. In Norway, Gerd Brantenberg simply reverses the power relationships in her novel “The Daughters of Egalia”; in the USA, the triumvirate of feminist science fiction, Ursula K. Le Guin, Joanna Russ, and Marge Piercy not only eradicate gender differences in their works, but class-based society and private property as well.

“Planet Egalia” brings these utopias together in the form of a ballad opera somewhere between a droll feminist tale and a gender didactic play and sends the characters in the novels off on a group trip to a different continuum of possibility: the earth in the year 2021.


Artistic direction, text and composition: Christiane Rösinger / Direction: Meike Schmitz / Musical direction: Laura Landergott, Elise Mory / Band: Laura Landergott, Julie Miess, Elise Mory, Albertine Sarges / Composition „Left Hand of Darkness“: Laura Landergott / Composition „Ode an das Anderssein“: Andreas Schwarz / Performers: Jona James Aulepp, Sila Davulcu, Malte Göbel, Kaey Kiel, Doreen Kutzke, Laura Landergott, Julie Miess, Elise Mory, Rúben Nsue, Minh Duc Pham, Sophia Sylvester Röpcke, Christiane Rösinger, Albertine Sarges, Andreas Schwarz / Stage: Marlene Lockemann, Sina Manthey / Costumes: Sophia Sylvester Röpcke / Choreography: Rúben Nsue / Video and Live-Camera: Kathrin Krottenthaler / Lighting design: Hans Leser / Artistic consultation HAU: Aenne Quiñones / Production management HAU: Jana Penz / Production Manager, Stage Manager: Chiara Galesi / Technical management HAU: Ingo Ruggenthaler / Direction collaboration: Finn Noga / Stage collaboration: Julius Florin / Costume collaboration: Kallia Kefala, Carlton Morgan, Marcus Barros Cardoso / Mask: Mare Elsa Jaeschke, Roksana Geiss / Costume supervision: Aleix Ilusa, Gabi Barthels / Requisite: Amina Nouns / Translation: Lyz Pfister / Setup and operating surtitles: Eugen Ivan Bergmann (Panthea) / Audiodeskription: Pingpong Translation & Subtitling und Martina Reuter / Stage manager: Ruprecht Lademann, Andrea Schöneich, Martin Schwemin / Stagecraft: Celina Bodlée, Fabian Boldt, Jörg Fischer, Jan Hoffmann, Kristof Meers, Dominik Stillfried / Master electrician: Boris Meier, Marc Zeuske / Lighting engineering: Arno Truschinski, Max Rux, Sebastian Zamponi, Claes Schwennen / Video: Marius Bratoveanu, Fine Freiberg / sound engineering: Matthias Kirschke, Torsten Schwarzbach, Mohammed Naseri / Trainee: Anna Cackett

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To the event on HAU4

After the premiere of "Planet Egalia" by Christiane Rösinger at HAU1, WDR recorded the radio play "Planet Egalia" with the original cast, which can be heard until 5.8.2024 on HAU4.


Production: Christiane Rösinger / HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Parts of the play are adapted after “Egalias døtre” by © Gerd Brantenberg. First published by Pax Forlag, 1977. Adapted in agreement with Oslo Literary Agency.


Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

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