Felix Stalder is Professor of Digital Cultures at Zurich University of the Arts. He is a member of the World-Information Institute (t0) in Vienna and moderator for the international discursive platform Nettime. Since the mid-1990s, he has published widely on digital net cultures and their effects on political life. In his writings, he focuses on the interplay between cultural, political, and technological developments, with particular emphasis on new, commons-based forms of knowledge production, on control societies, copyright, and shifting conceptions of subjectivity. Recent publications include “Digital Solidarity” (PML & Mute, 2014) and “Kultur der Digitalität” (edition Suhrkamp, 2016). In 2012, he co-edited “Vergessene Zukunft. Radikale Netzkulturen in Europa” (transcript Verlag), which he published together with Clemens Apprich.