

A retrospective by Jared Gradinger and Angela Schubot

Jared Gradinger and Angela Schubot have developed their own original and distinct aesthetic and movement language together over the past five years. They are well known in Berlin as well as internationally even beyond the dance scene. With extreme physicality and radicality but at the same time in fragile situations of high intimacy, their works are constantly revolving around the question: How can we co-exist together?

In the retrospective SOON YOU ARE THEIRS, Jared Gradinger and Angela Schubot will present their four piece cycle. This will include a marathon day as well as a remix version of the three duets.

The work circulates around the de-bordering of the body. what they are instead of (2009) searches to exhaust the 'I' in order to make it disappear. is maybe (2011) goes even further by producing a hybrid being, without identity, which emerges from the radical symbiosis of two bodies. Can I escape my self by finding a home in the other through an unconditional togetherness?

The two-part project LES PETITES MORTS (2013) links back to this question, but adds a new dimension to the theme of the dissolution of the self. The first part, i hope you die soon, poses the question of how can we die together? Is it even possible to conceive of this act as a last and final possibility of togetherness? The second part of this work is the trio all my holes are theirs, which was created together with Aleesa Cohene. In this work, both performers attempt  to die and disappear by radically and mutually devoting themselves to another.

The retrospective will offer a deeper insight into the artist's world by including small open workshops, performances, installations by affiliated artists, lectures and discussions.

Supporting programme:

Conversation on Non-Duality and Liberation
Richard Sylvester

23.4. / HAU1

Richard Sylvester has been holding meetings on non-duality and liberation since 2005, in England, Germany, The Czech Republic and France. He has written three books about non-duality, “I Hope You Die Soon“, “The Book Of No One“ and “Drink Tea, Eat Cake“.
“We can sum up non-duality and liberation in a few words. It is seeing that there is no self and that everything is simply unfolding of its own accord. Isn't that wonderful! The ordinary becomes transformed into this vivid play of consciousness and it is seen that This is already it and This is already enough. Seeing this brings about an end to searching. Liberation arises spontaneously. One moment there’s somebody there, the next moment there isn’t. One moment there’s somebody crossing a field, the next moment there’s just crossing a field. It's as simple as that.”
As an introduction to the festival Richard Sylvester will give a talk after Schubot/Gradinger's performance of is maybe.

The Same Problem 3
Aleesa Cohene and Benny Nemerofsky Ramsey

24.4. / HAU3 / Installation

As part of their ongoing series “The Same Problem“, artists Aleesa Cohene and Benny Nemerofsky Ramsey are producing a limited edition scented candle. The installation will support the revival of Schubot/Gradinger's LES PETITES MORTS - all my holes are theirs and LES PETITES MORTS - i hope you die soon. The fragrance is inspired by themes raised in Gradinger and Schubot’s body of work, with notes of “ego“, “sweat“ and “smoke“.

INVERSION: The Pulsating Motion of a Dancing Geometry
Robert Byrnes

26.4. / HAU3

After Schubot/Gradinger's what they are instead of Robert Byrnes will talk about Inversion. This is an – apparently magical – rhythmically pulsating motion during which the outside of a form becomes its inside, and continuing in the same direction of motion once more becomes its outside, at which point the motion can be renewed indefinitely.
Physical models allow inversion to be experienced with eyes, skin and muscles. The numerous types of inversion and the great variety of invertible models enable insight into rhythm and the relationship between intention and matter in motion.

Rahel de Joode
Space In-between

26.4. / HAU1 / Installation

De Joode has collaborated with Jared Gradinger and Angela Schubot on several occasions. This time she will turn the space that exists in between the bodies of Gradinger and Schubot into sculpture. Part of the Schubot/Gradinger-Marathon.

Ich bin die Füllung von Innen
Martin Clausen

23. + 26.4. / HAU1 / Installation

The installation “Ich bin die Füllung von innen“ supports the revival of Schubot/Gradinger's is maybe. It provides a wealth of identification opportunities in which one can give oneself over to foreign bodies and unknown spaces. Otherwise inaccessible places will be reached, some that actually seem to be too small to enter, as well as others that seem too large even to consider them as the goal.
Our identity provides us with a secure, protective film, seemingly separated from others, while the ability to identify with the other discloses porous, permeable spots at which the boundaries of our own personalities are softened and extended. By lingering a while, stopping short of renouncing others, the outward signs of otherwise fixed identity can be revitalized.

Tian Rotteveel

26.4. / 18:00 / HAU1 / Spectral concert

Flipsides is a spectral concert operating with vibration, sound and light. It entrusts the audience to find a place on stage, lie down and embody the spectacle. To be in the midst, where a process of unstoppable vibration is transformed into meaningful events and orchestral music. This is followed by a flip, which lets you wander between the unrecognisable and the recognisable, the electronic and the acoustic, your private and your public. Flipsides is not afraid of lucid dreaming and existential doubts. Part of the Schubot/Gradinger-Marathon.

Death Ritual
Robert Steijn

26.4. / 23:00 / HAU3 / Ritual

Robert Steijn hosts a space where the audience can get into dialogue, dance or talk with loved ones who have died, contemplate death, relax and let go of their sorrows, to live, to be aware. "When you are afraid to live, you are certainly also afraid to die, so let's look death in the face and live fully this moment of letting go."

UNTANGLE - Bondage Installation
Dasniya Sommer

27.4. / HAU1

Following soon you are theirs / Remix-sacrifice, bondage artist Dasniya Sommer will bind and suspend the dancers Angela Schubot and Jared Gradinger together as part of a concert by the well-known elecrontic musician Leyland Kirby. Closing out the retrospective, this coercive ritual melding will force Schubot and Gradinger onto each another one last time, facilitating their complete bodily surrender.

A retrospective by Jared Gradinger and Angela Schubot in collaboration with HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Supported by Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin – Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten.