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Doors: 19:00 / Start: 20:00
Doors: 18:30 / Start: 19:30
With Nadia Bakhshi, Lena Biresch, Mel Brinkmann, Chanee Choi, Guiliana Mei, Iga Ssck
Please register until 10.1. at anmeldung@hebbel-am-ufer.de
Afterwards available at the HAUthek until 15.2.
Part of “PURPLE – 9th International Dance Festival for young Audience”
Afterwards: Artist Talk with Mounia Nassangar / Moderation: Canan Erek
Tickets via karten@purple-tanzfestival.de
A performance about darkness, beauty, and forgiveness, based on a real-life incident.
As part of “PURPLE – 9th International Dance Festival for young Audience”
Haptic Access Tour (17:30) and German audio description Afterwards: Artist Talk / Moderation: Antigone Akgün
With students of the Hector-Peterson-Schule and the Fritz-Karsen-Schule
Afterwards: Artist Talk / Moderation: Kirsten Maar