Reading: Iryna Herasimowisch
Belarusian writer and artist Artur Klinaū presents his new book “Acht Tage Revolution. Ein dokumentarisches Journal aus Minsk” (“Eight Days of Revolution: A Documentary Journal from Minsk”) published by Suhrkampf Verlag in 2021. The book describes the first eight days after the 2020 presidential elections in Belarus, when the authoritarian state had brutally reacted to the demonstrations by thousands of people who went to the streets to voice their disagreement with the result of the elections. Based on his own experience of these first days – as a man, a citizen, a father, a spectator and a participant – Klinaū explores authoritarianism and dictatorship from the perspective of an individual asking about the roots of violence as a feature of these political systems. Next to the talk between Artur Klinaū and Annett Gröschner, excerpts from the book will be read in Belarusian and German with the support of Iryna Herasimovich.
Artur Klinaū (born 1965 in Minsk) is a writer and architect, considered one of the most important artists in Belarus. German translations of his work include “Minsk. Sonnenstadt der Träume” (Suhrkampf Verlag 2006, tr: Volker Weichsel), the novel “Schalom” (edition.fotoTAPETA 2015, tr: Thomas Weiler) and “Acht Tage Revolution. Ein dokumentarisches Journal aus Minsk” (Suhrkampf Verlag 2021, tr: Volker Weichsel and Thomas Weiler).
Annett Gröschner (born 1964, in Magdeburg) is a writer, journalist, lecturer and has been a guest performer with She She Pop since 2012. She is best known for her novels Moskauer Eis (2000) and Walpurgistag (2011). She publishes poetry, prose, documentary literature, radio features and plays and has participated in numerous interdisciplinary exhibitions.
Iryna Herasimovich (born 1978 in Minsk) is a literary translator of numerous German-language authors into Belarusian. She also works as a dramaturge and curator in the field of visual arts and is a member of the German Academy for Language and Poetry. Since 2021, she has been a doctoral candidate at the Slavic Department of the University of Zurich.
Funded by: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb), Goethe-Institut (Internationaler Koproduktions-Fonds).
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