Adrian Figueroa


  • Film
German /  With English subtitles /  approx. 30 mins
A person dressed in light brown stands in an empty hallway.
View through an open door of a person in a gray sweater.
Two men are working with boxes.

Cornelia, Juri and Murat are part of the “working poor”. But, aside from the low wages they earn, nothing seems to connect them at first glance. Each of them fights their own battles. Regardless of whether it is as a click worker, package deliverer or in a bankrupt box factory, all of them are struggling to find their way out of this confusion. But where do they want to go?

The Berlin director Adrian Figueroa observes everyday life in the low-wage sector in his fictional short film. Following two theater productions at HAU Hebbel am Ufer (“Aurora” and “Stress”), the film asks what workforce means today. A collective picture of individuals who do not see themselves as part of a class or movement is what has resulted. How much strength would they have if they joined together?


Concept & Direction: Adrian Figueroa / Script: Maike Wetzel / Dramaturgy: Felizitas Stilleke / Image Design: Jakob Reinhardt / Props: Anahi Perez & Katherine Halbach / Costume: Malena Modeer / Mask: Jana Dietz / Cut: Adrian Figueroa / Camera Work: Sebastian Sellner & Petra Rebnik / Lighting: Fares Hamade, Jakob Grasböck, Robert Schulzmann, Pascal Kohler / Sound Engineer: Till Aldinger & Richard Kretschmar / Sound Design & Mix: Till Aldinger / Music: Miguel Toro / Photo & Video Documentation: Graziella Garisto Diez / Direction Collaboration: Georg Mikis Rees / Set Runner: Vincent Pielmeier / Production Management: Francesca Spisto / Production Collaboration: Antonia Schöndienst / Producer: Florian Schewe / Film Five / Artistic Direction: Adrian Figueroa / With: Kara Schröder, Roman Kanonik, Erol Afsin, Sascha Göpel, Volkan Türeli, Gabi Herz, Hans-Jürgen Simon, Rana Farahani, Maja Borm, Volker Ullmann, Christian Krug, Mohamad Koulaghassi, Björn Hagge


Fri 5.2.2021, 19:00 / HAU4

You can log in once with your 6-digit code on the following page to watch the film: The film will be available until 7 February.

6.2., 20:00: Live chat with Adrian Figueroa (director) and Felizitas Stilleke (dramaturge) on


Production: Adrian Figueroa. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds.


Digital Stage

HAU’s digital stage

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

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