Creation: Agrupación Señor Serrano / Direction and dramaturgy: Àlex Serrano, Pau Palacios / Direction and dramaturgy assistant: Carlota Grau / Performance: Carlota Grau, Laura Alcalá, Sara Montalvão, Bartosz Ostrowski / Local Dancers: Sahra Abbassi, Ayem Aopare, Katrina Bastian, Yuexuan Gui, Laura Müller, Rio Nichterlein, Michael Sellner, Kacper Szklarski, Noah Tepe / Holographic performance: Eva Torróntegui / Set design and costume: Xesca Salvà / Lighting design: / Music: Nico Roig / Holographic videos: David Negrão / Video morphing: Boris Ramírez / Video programming: David Muñiz / Stage management and performance: Camille Latron / Artificial intelligences used during the creation of the piece: GPT-3, Bloom, DALL·E, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney und FILM / Production coordination: Barbara Bloin / Executive producer: Paula S. Viteri / Management: Art Republic