Simone Aughterlony & Jen Rosenblit

Everything Fits In The Room

  • Performance
  • Dance
60-90 min.

Aughterlony and Rosenblit navigate current forms of feminist politics ­beyond manifestos. Unpacking the phenomenology of utopias solicits the fear that all things will not fit in the imagined path. A free-standing wall sits in the middle of the room offering possibilities to adjust, fix and reattach materials. Crushed nutmeg and pine needles entice the senses. Rhythmic sorcery drives the effort to organize the ingredients, despite their un-governability. Is this a cooking show or a construction site? The room offers an expanded horizon, encouraging disruptive practices by way of leaks and cracks inside architectures for gathering.

District Berlin: Bessemerstraße 2-14, 12103 BerlinDirections to District Berlin


Konzept & Performance: Jen Rosenblit, Simone Aughterlony / Komposition & Klangkörper: Miguel Gutierrez, Colin Self / Gast- Performance: Sheena McGrandles / Licht-Installation: Florian Bach / Musik Küche Skulptur: Nik Emch / Kostümassistenz: Ella Plevin / Dramaturgische Beratung: Jorge León, Joshua Lubin-Levy, Anna Mülter, Saša Bozic / Technische Leitung: Marie Prédour / Produktions-assistenz: Dagmar Bock / Produktions-leitung: Sina Kießling / Administration: Karin Erdmann / Diffusion: Alexandra Wellensiek / Erste Klangrecherche: Tami T / Dank an: Rosie Management, Uferstudios Berlin, Sandrine Ligabue (Stellvertretende Leiterin / Kulturabteilung des Generalkonsulats der Schweiz in New York), Ruth Childs, Zuzanna Ratajczyk, Andy Kuncl, Ryan Fitzgerald, Jamil Waggad.




A commission and co-production by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Production: Verein für allgemeines Wohl. Co-production: Gessnerallee Zürich, Arsenic - Lausanne.

Supported by: City of Zurich, Canton of Zurich Fachstelle Kultur und Pro Helvetia - Swiss Cultural Foundation, Tanzhaus Zurich, ImpulsTanz Wien, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Georges und Jenny Bloch-Stiftung, Fête de la Danse – Geneva, District Berlin.

Created in the frame of "Utopian Realities", a co-production of HAU Hebbel am Ufer and Haus der Kulturen der Welt as part of "100 Years of Now", curated by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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