In “Untitled (Together Again)” the theatre director Michał Borczuch and a group of Warsaw- and Berlin-based artists look through public documents and private histories to explore queer grief and its rituals. The project was inspired by the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, a Cuban-born American gay visual artist who died of AIDS in 1996. The minimal installations and sculptures of Gonzalez-Torres can be seen as records of experiences of desire and love, and finally of illness and death. The intimacy is exposed to the public, but as a symptom of wider social problems. Borczuch and his team take a closer look at the past intertwinement of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and political transformation, as well as the contemporary situation of the LGBTIQ* community to reflect on how the theatre can be a site of micro-resistance towards regimes that make certain experiences invisible. “Untitled (Together Again)” is a HAU co-production and after its world premiere during the festival “The Present Is Not Enough” it will be presented as a performance installation at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in November 2019.
After the performance on 23 June: Artist Talk / With Michał Borczuch and Martin Reichert. Martin Reichert is an editor at the tageszeitung (taz) in Berlin and an author. He recently published “Die Kapsel. Aids in der Bundesrepublik” [“The Capsule: AIDS in Germany”] with Suhrkamp (2018).