Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence / Podcast and Film

#5 Beyond The End Of The World? / With T.J. Demos, Kodwo Eshun und Anjalika Sagar

Moderation: Margarita Tsomou, Maximilian Haas
Part of #HAUonline
Part of Unacknowledged Loss II

  • Dialogue
  • Podcast
[Translate to EN:]

In eco-philosophical thinking, loss has often been articulated against the background of the ends of entire worlds: loss of species and biodiversity, loss of landscapes and habitats, loss of human lives, and thus the loss of futurity as such. The Corona crisis accelerated this confrontation with loss: while we were talking about the “slow death” of ecosystems, COVID-19 stroke with potential “quick death”. Here, too, the risk and care infrastructures proved to be unevenly distributed, revealing the necropolitical priorities of colonial governance habits and showing whose lives matter. At present, the Black Lives Matter movements around the globe are rebelling against this tradition of white, racist violence and death regimes.

In this context art theorist T.J. Demos, author of “Against the Anthropocene” and “Decolonizing Nature”, engages in a discussion with the award winning artistic collective Otolith Group, founded and represented by Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun. Taking their recent film “Infinity Minus Infinity”, which can be watched on HAU3000, as point of departure, the discussion touches on genocide and ecocide at the origins of the “Anthropocene”, the biopolitics of citizenship and deportation, and the loss around which the Black Lives Matter movement assembles, as well as on art as a means to imagine eco-fictional futures that go beyond the end of the world.

From 5 July, you can watch the film “INFINITY Minus Infinity” on HAU3000 for two weeks free of charge.



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