Choy Ka Fai

CosmicWander: Expedition

    Over the past decade, Berlin­based Singaporean artist Choy Ka Fai has delved into the metaphysics of the human body. “CosmicWander” is an ongoing project for which the artist ventured across Asia to study the spiritual practices and shamanic dance cultures of different peoples and communities. On his travels he met over 50 shamans and filmed extraordinary dance rituals and immersive trance experiences. The exhibition “CosmicWander: Expedition” presents his research to date in the form of an immersive installation inspired by the practices he observed in Singapore, Indonesia, Siberia, Taiwan and Vietnam. In meshing new technologies with ancient rituals, Choy interweaves his encounters with “altered states” with personal accounts of spirituality and his own speculations on the post­human body.

    Aside from the exhibition “CosmicWander: Expedition”, Tanz im August will present the performance “Postcolonial Spirits” at HAU1  from 12.–15.8.

    Download: Exhibition poster Choy Ka Fai | CosmicWander: Expedition


    Concept, Direction, Cinematography: Choy Ka Fai / Curation: Khim Ong / Dramaturgy: Tang Fukuen / Mediaturgy: You Mi / 3D Visual design & Programming: Brandon Tay / VR Experience: Maria Judova, Florian Friedrich / Motion Capture Dancer: Yurika Yamamoto / Video Performance: Lin Su Lien, Fangas Nayaw, Song Wei-Jie / Sound Design: Tseng Yun-Fang, Betty Apple, Phu Pham, Cheryl Ong, Rizman Putra (NADA), Safuan Johari (NADA) / Costume & Fabric Design: Tran Thao Mien / Light Design: Jui Hsuan Tseng / Writers: Ng Hui Hsien, Yak Aik Wee / Research & Translation: Sekar Putri Handayani, Chun Tseng, Holly Chan, Tran Thao Mien, Chu Hao Pei, Mitya Glavanakov / Additional Videography: Kin Chiu / Web Design: Currency Design / Technical Management: Yap Seok Hui (ARTFACTORY) / Project Management: Mara Nedelcu / Adaptation Berlin: Andrea Niederbuchner (Curation), Anja Trudel (Exhibition Design), Johanna Herrschmann (Assistance), Ingo Ruggenthaler (Technical Management)


    • German premiere
      Fri 6.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Sat 7.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Sun 8.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Mon 9.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Tue 10.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Wed 11.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Thu 12.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Fri 13.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Sat 14.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Sun 15.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Mon 16.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Tue 17.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Wed 18.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Thu 19.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Fri 20.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Sat 21.8.2021, 12:00 /
    • Sun 22.8.2021, 12:00 /

    Further Information

    • Visitor note

      Supported by: Singapore Art Museum, Taipei Performing Arts Center, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, Nationales Performance Netz (NPN) - Coproduction Fund for Dance by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Germany. The research process is supported by: the National Arts Council of Singapore, Kunststiftung NRW, the VERTIGO project as part of the STARTS program of the European Commission, based on technological elements from Moving Digits. Special thanks to Anisah Aidid, Ray Tseng.

      In cooperation with KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst.

    • Downloads

    This exhibition is not suitable for children below the age of 12.

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