Christiane Rösinger / HAU

Stadt unter Einfluss – das Musical zur Wohnungsfrage

  • Music
  • Theatre
German /  English subtitles /  approx. 100 mins.
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The successful production “Stadt unter Einfluss” (City under Influence) returns to the HAU1 stage! Wherever you listen tenants are worried: fear of modernization and rising rents, of displacement, conversion and housing shortages. In other circles as well people are talking about housing, not as a home but as capital investment. Berlin is a city under influence, under a bad influence. But Berliners have started fighting back: 40,000 people took to the streets in May 2019 for the “Mietenwahnsinn” demo. At about the same time HAU commissioned Christiane Rösinger to make a musical about the tenants movement. The musician and writer, who has been singing and writing about Berlin for 30 years with her bands Lassie Singers, Britta and also solo, brings the housing question to the stage with eight musicians and a chorus made up of Kreuzberg and Neukölln tenant activists. As specialists in the issues of displacement and tenant problems, they sing and dance their own stories. In the end of course everything will be fine – after all, it’s a musical!          



Composition, text and direction: Christiane Rösinger / Co-direction and dramaturgy: Meike Schmitz / Co-direction and video: Marlene Blumert / Co-composition and arrangement: Andreas Spechtl / Musical direction rerun: Laura Landergott / Band: Laura Landergott, Linea Martensson, Albertine Sarges, Marcus Schinkel, Sebastian Vogel / Singers: Christiane Rösinger, Sila Davulcu, Claudia Fierke, Doreen Kutzke, Rúben Nsue, Julia Wilton, Anna Posch / Choirmaster: Doreen Kutzke / Choir consisting of participants of Berlin tenants initiatives: Berta Del Ben, André Hegner, Magnus Hengge, Martina Hoffmann, Hilde Janßen, Birgit Mahne, Hildegard Meier, Anna- Katharina Pelkner, Catherine Ruet / Choreography: Rúben Nsue / Set: Marlene Lockemann, Sina Manthey / Costume: Svenja Gassen / Costume management rerun: Kallia Kefala / Make-up: Juli Schulz / Lighting design: Hans Leser / Dramaturgical advice: Aenne Quiñones / Production management: Jana Penz / Production and stage management: Chiara Galesi / Assistance direction: Julius Böhm, Julien Enzanza / Assistance costume: Marcus Barros Cardoso, Aleix Llussà Lòpez, Bastian Stein / Translation: Lyz Pfister / Operating surtitles: Naomi Boyce (Panthea) / Technical direction: Jin-ah Kim / Stage manager: Ruprecht Lademann, Andrea Schöneich / Stagecraft: Jörg Fischer, Kristof Meers / Master electrician: Marc Zeuske / Lighting engineering: Claes Schwennen / Sound engineering: Matthias Kirschke, Thorsten Hoppe, Xavier Perrone / Song “Ready to Enteignen” text and music: Mateo Argerich

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Advice for English surtitles: In order to have a good view on both stage and surtitles we advise you to buy tickets in the balcony or in the rows 3-8. The staff of HAU's service team is happy to help you.


Production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Musicboard Berlin GmbH.

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Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

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