Creamcake presents: New Scenario


  • Video

HAU has been collaborating with Creamcake since 2015, and now they are jointly celebrating the anniversary of the queer-feminist event platform founded by Daniela Seitz and Anja Weigl. For this new digital commissioned work, Paul Barsch and Tilman Hornig of the artist duo New Scenario have been collecting artworks for months. Now, they are subjecting the 83 pieces to a stress test and dismantling them until there is nothing left. The selected artworks' final moments will be captured on video, including drawings, paintings, and sculptures by Adam Cruces, Perce Jerrom, Tobi Keck, Pınar Marul, Andrew Rutherdale, Ekaterina Serikova, Matti Sumari, Orpheo Winter, and many others. The videos will be released incrementally as an online exhibition via Creamcake’s 3hdTV channel and the HAU4 digital stage starting 21 March. This marks the end of Creamcake’s hybrid event series “10/11”, which celebrates the tenth and eleventh years of the ever-evolving platform’s existence.


Artistic direction: New Scenario (Paul Barsch, Tilman Hornig) / Contributions by: Gertie Adelaido, Nicholas Aloisio-Shearer, Esther Babulik, Dillon Beck, Lisa Maria Baier, Savannah Marie Bell, Johannes Bendzulla, Michael Biber, Bjornus Van Der Borght, Thomas Bremerstent, Ian Bruner, Radek Brousil, George Bularca, Sebastian Burger, Jean-Damien Charmoille, Arcangelo Costanzo, Billy Crosby, Adam Cruces, Petr Davydtchenko, Irma Name, Christian Drzz, Alexander Endrullat, Tom Esam, Simone Nicola Filippo, Paul Ferens, Max, Kåre Frang, Vera-Kamea Frommelt, Thomas Greig, Marc Hirt, Sun Ho Lee, Stephan Hörnig, Peiting Huang, Luca Ilic, Urte Janus, Perce Jerrom, Jakub Kanna, Tobi Keck, Yerim Ki, Maxim Klopfstein, André Löser & Ullrich Klose, K O T Z, Moritz Liebig, Sasha Lemish, Pinar Marul, Pedro Matos, Nicolas Müller, Ann-Marie Najderek, Jakup Nilsson, Katya Ohii, Juan Manuel Parra, perfettipietro, Plaque (Arthur Golyakov & Vanya Venmer), Merlin Reichart, Scott Rogers, Beatrice Roggero Fossati, Valentino Russo, Xènia Róth, Andrew Rutherdale, Rymdgymnasiet, Jonathan Santoro, Karoline Schultz, Marten Schech, functional sculpture (Michael Cooper & Tom Mason), Ekaterina Serikova, Lennart Sidenstein, Nikolaos Simantirakis, Marilia Stagkouraki, Eefje Stenfert, Julia Toarie Strandman, Matti Sumari, Club Superette, Christian Silvester Seemann, Maral Taskirici, Javier Triviño Murillo, Hannes Uhlenhaut, Robert Vanis, Paul Waak, Finn Wagner, Orpheo Winter, W.U.D.S. (。ì _ í。) vs W.U.D.S. ( ಥ_ಥ ), Janis Zeckai, Sebastian Zimmerhackl & Denis Olgac, Maria Chiara Ziosi


Tue 21.3.2023, 19:00 / HAU4
To the event on HAU4

Afterwards available at the HAUthek


Production: Creamcake. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds.


Digital Stage

HAU’s digital stage

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

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