DANCE ON ENSEMBLE William Forsythe “Catalogue (First Edition)” / Jan Martens “Man Made” / Rabih Mroué “Elephant” (Premiere)

  • Dance

One evening, one ensemble, three distinct styles: The DANCE ON ENSEMBLE presents highlights from its multifaceted repertoire and a brand new premiere by the Lebanese director and video artist Rabih Mroué. William Forsythe’s duet "Catalogue (First Edition)" for Brit Rodemund and Christopher Roman celebrates the dancers’ experience and demonstrates how time and space are constituted through movement.

“I’m trying to find a situation where everyone’s knowledge is valorised, or legitimised.” (William Forsythe)

“Man Made” by the Belgian shooting star Jan Martens shows all five of the ensemble’s dancers in hypnotic waves of never-ending movement and synchronisation. “A choreography that celebrates the ‘Arbeit’ of dancing and the possibility of tuning in with fellow humans, it shows how by doing and watching art, we try to become better human beings.” (Jan Martens)

The evening concludes with the premiere of Rabih Mroué’s new piece “Elephant”, his second for the DANCE ON ENSEMBLE after the celebrated “Water between three hands”. 

Catalogue (First Edition)
Choreography: William Forsythe
In artistic collaboration with Jill Johnson, Brit Rodemund and Christopher Roman

Lighting Design: Benjamin Schälike/Tanja Rühl
Sound: Stephan Wöhrmann
Cast: Brit Rodemund and Christopher Roman

Co-production: Theater im Pfalzbau, tanzhaus nrw
With support from BASF SE

In collaboration with the University of Southern California, Glorya Kaufman School of Dance, Los Angeles 

Premiere: 7 October 2016, Theater im Pfalzbau, Ludwigshafen
Duration: 18 minutes


Man Made
Concept /Choreography: Jan Martens
In artistic collaboration with Ty Boomershine, Amancio Gonzalez, Brit Rodemund, Christopher Roman und Jone San Martin

Outside Eye: Renee Copraij
Lighting Design: Dominique Pollet
Composition and Live-Electronics: Mattef Kuhlmey
Costume: Sophia Piepenbrock-Saitz
Cast: Ty Boomershine, Brit Rodemund, Christopher Roman, Jone San Martin,Frédéric Tavernini 

Co-Production: Kampnagel Hamburg 

Premiere: 11 March 2017, Kampnagel Hamburg (K6) 
Duration: 35 minutes 


Concept/Direction: Rabih Mroué
In collaboration with Ty Boomershine and Jone San Martin (DANCE ON ENSEMBLE). 

Lighting Design: Patrick Lauckner, Tanja Rühl 
Sound: Mattef Kuhlmey
Costume: Sophia Piepenbrock-Saitz
Cast: Ty Boomershine, Jone San Martin
Assistant director: Jacqueline Azarmi Eskandani

Co-Production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer 

Premiere: 28 February 2018, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU2) 


Wed 28.2.2018, 20:00 / HAU2


DANCE ON is an initative of DIEHL+RITTER gUG, funded by The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union as part of DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON. The DANCE ON Festival is supported by the Capital Cultural Fund in cooperation with HAU Hebbel am Ufer.

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Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

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