dgtl fmnsm / HAU

FACE Your Features

Workshop series and desktop show for everyone aged 16 and up
Part of “FACE”

  • Dialogue
  • Workshop
German /  German Sign Language / 
A graphic in pastel shades reminiscent of planets and nebulae.

This “FACE” workshop is about the influence of technologies on our understanding of beauty. Who decides what is beautiful − ourselves, society or AI? Who controls the digital view of bodies and for what purpose? What role does discrimination based on gender and/or race play in this context? How are body ideals and beauty standards influenced by personalised news feeds, quantified self and wide availability of cosmetic surgery? Do these processes lead to a global standardisation of aesthetics?

As always, we want to reflect and experiment together in this interactive workshop format in order to use current and future technologies in a self-determined and political way.

The workshop is hosted by Philisha Kraatz, co-host of this edition is Echo Can Luo. Philisha Kraatz is part of dgtl fmnsm and works as an experience researcher and performance artist. Echo Can Luo is an artist, her means of expression are video installation and 3D art, algorithms are her tools. She studied Multimedia Design at the Chinese Academy of Arts (CAA) in Hangzhou and completed her Master in Fine Arts at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. Echo Can Luo participated in the 34th Kassel Documentary Film & Video Festival “Monitoring” and showed her work at CAA Art Museum in Hangzhou, China, Kasseler Kunstverein, MdbK Leipzig, Pauke Gallery Berlin, Kunstraum Villa Friede Bonn and at REAKTOR Vienna, among others.

dgtl fmnsm has presented feminist, queer and tech-positive perspectives on technology narratives since 2016.



You can ask questions and register by sending an e-mail to HAUtoconnect@hebbel-am-ufer.de until April 21. The workshop will be translated into DGS and takes place at Discord.


Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. In cooperation with Queer History Month.


Digital Stage

HAU’s digital stage

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