Eduardo Fukushima

Crooked Man

  • Tanz im August

Entrance via the Kronprinzenpalais (Unter den Linden 3)

Bus (stop Staatsoper): 100, 200 and TXL

S- and U-Friedrichtstraße: S1, S2, S5, S7, S25, S75 and U6

The 30-year-old dancer and choreographer Eduardo Fukushima, from Sao Paulo, makes his German debut during Tanz im August with three different solos. As a choreographer he takes autobiographical material and emotions as the starting point for movement research. As a dancer he moves from the inside out, giving form to deeply felt emotions and creating a fascinating movement vocabulary.


His latest solo, The Crooked Man, will be shown in the garden of the Schinkel Pavilion. It is the dance of the crooked body of a man whose values are in constant flux. It was developed last year in Taiwan, where Fukushima was a Rolex Protégé, with the choreographer Lin Hwain Min, of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, as mentor.


The two earlier solos Between Contentions & How to Overcome the Great Tiredness?, which will be shown at HAU3, examine movements arising from exhaustion and contention, and explores their specific qualities. The first solo is bare and severe, while in the second Fukushima dances to the point of absolute exhaustion.

Video trailer:

Thanks: to all the team of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, to the Tai Chi Dao Yin community at Taiwan, Fukushima’s family.

Crooked Man was created following a year-long mentorship with Cloud Gate Dance founder Lin Hwai-min as part of the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative.


Artistic Director and performer: Eduardo Fukushima / Mentor: Lin Hwai –min / Musical composition: Tom Monteiro / Artistic Collaboration: Beatriz Sano, Julia Rocha, Hideki Matsuka / Production: Carolina Goulart / Creation of light: Hideki Matsuka, Eduardo Fukushima / Costume: Eduardo Fukushima / Partners: Rolex Mentor & Protégé Arts Initiative, residence LOTE#3/Casa do Povo and Sesc São Paulo


  • Fri 15.8.2014, 15:00 /
  • Fri 15.8.2014, 17:00 /

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