Eszter Salamon


  • Dance
  • Tanz im August
90 Min

Human relations are radical points of resistance, says Eszter Salamon. In empathy with female subjectivities several of her works focus on feminist genealogies and transgenerational relations. “M/OTHERS” reconsiders the structures of generations by exploring the mother-and-daughter relation. It offers an occasion to move away from social norms and inspire our imagination to open new modalities of action, feeling and perception. This is the second time Salamon asks her mother to perform with her. “M/OTHERS” is envisaged to be developed further by transmitting it to various mother-daughter couples.


Concept, Artistic Direction, Choreography: Eszter Salamon / With: Erzsébet Gyarmati, Eszter Salamon / Scenography: Sylvie Garot, Eszter Salamon / Lighting Design: Sylvie Garot / Assistance Rehearsals: Liza Baliasnaja, Boglàrka Börcsök / Production & Organisation: BotschaftGbR / Alexandra Wellensiek, Studio E.S. / Elodie Perrin



Further Information

Visitor note

No seating

#berlinscene  #feminism  #relationships  #society  #worldpremiere 


St. Elisabeth-Kirche
Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin

The St. Elisabeth Kirche is accessible via a wheelchair ramp on the right-hand side. There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor of Villa Elisabeth.

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications