Post-Organic Bauplan & Axonbody

Fase de Cicatrización

In this video work, the artists of Post-Organic Bauplan, in cooperation with artist Simon Kounovsky (Axonbody), give an insight into their practice, which combines performance and robotics. They design and build robotic prostheses. Using technology, they design extensions of the human body that are influenced by biological processes but not represented as something natural.

In the last phase of cicatrisation, fibroblasts form a new layer to replace lost tissue. This secretion not only forms a scar that persists visibly, but also alters the local sensitivity and thus the memory of the body.


Concept, performance, robotics: Josefina Maro & Salvador Marino (Post-Organic Bauplan) / Video shooting, editing, music: Simon Kounovsky (Axonbody) / Costumes: Victor Clavelly / Typo design: Don Elektrq


Sun 14.5.2023, 18:00 / HAU4
To the event on HAU4


Supported by: Akademie für Theater und Digitalität, Digital Culture Programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.


Digital Stage

HAU’s digital stage

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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The Glowing Room

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By Jonas Staal

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“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

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