Sheena McGrandles


  • Dance
Audio Description /  English /  60 mins.

An abrupt change of direction, a sudden interruption, a wink, passing glances, a fast-forward and a stutter  – FLUSH! Three performers move along or between five chipboard walls and expand everyday gestures into a spectacle of sensual slippy time. Erotic overtones and precise movement patterns in stop, slow and fast motion decouple subtexts and details of urban digital reality from their unambiguous narratives, only to present them in the next moment as oddly familiar.


Concept and Direction: Sheena McGrandles / Performance: Sheena McGrandles, Annegret Schalke, Ewa Dziarnowska / Sound Design: Stellan Veloce / Lighting Design: Elliott Cennetoglu / Text: Mila Pavicevic und Sheena McGrandles / Dramaturgy: Mila Pavicevic und Thomas Schaupp / Stage and Costumes: Michiel Keuper, Martin Sieweke / Production: ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro / Distribution, Tour Management: Godlive Lawani - Stane Performing Arts Management


  • Wed 16.3.2022, 18:00 / Sophiensæle Festsaal
  • Thu 17.3.2022, 15:00 / Sophiensæle Festsaal

Access to this event is according to regulations currently in place. You can find our hygiene concept here.

17 March
From 13:45: Audio description and haptic access tour with Anja Flessa and Lavinia Knop / Gravity Access Services Berlin.
To register and reserve a headset, please email:
or ring: +49 (0) 30 259004-27

17 March, 22:00 at HAU2 / WAU
Sheena McGrandles will be invited guest of Olympia Bukkakis / Late Nite Moves.

Visit Information:
Strong fragrances and smells will be used. The show comprises sudden light changes involving flash and stroboscopic lights and moments with a total blackout. The audience area is seated. Early boarding is possible.


A production by Sheena McGrandles in coproduction with SOPHIENSÆLE.
Funded by the Capital Culture Fund (Hauptstadtkulturfonds) Berlin, Siobhan Davies Dance London and the Goethe-Institute London. Supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin.


Sophiensæle Festsaal
Sophienstr. 18, 10178 Berlin

The Kantine is at ground level and accessible without steps. The Festsaal (1st floor) and Hochzeitssaal (3rd floor) can be reached via an elevator (1.76 m x 2.71 m) when accompanied by the house staff. To use the elevator please contact our evening staff. The distance from the street to the elevator is approx. 60 m.

An accessible toilet (entrance door 1m in width) is available on the 1st floor and can be reached via the elevator. It can be accessed via the Festsaal foyer. For events in the Hochzeitssaal there is a WC on the 3rd floor with an entrance and cabin door 81 cm wide, the other cabin doors are 56 cm wide. From the 3rd floor as well as from the ground floor you can reach the accessible WC on the 1st floor by using the elevator.

Wheelchair users and persons with impaired mobility are requested to give advance notice by or ringing the venue at 030 27 89 00 35. 
Further information:


HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

“You love the people you are meeting.”

A conversation between Bouchra Ouizgen, Yasmeen Godder and Annemie Vanackere.

The Glowing Room

Text by Hendrik Otremba.

An Introduction to “Collectivize Facebook”

By Jonas Staal

“Collectivize Facebook” is a lawsuit aimed to turn Facebook into public property, initiated by artist Jonas Staal and lawyer Jan Fermon. Read here Staal’s introduction to the project.

“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

As part of the festival “The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures”, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures.