HAU’s digital stage
Moderation: Margarita Tsomou
Afterwards: Q&A
For feminists around the world Legacy Russell’s book “Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto” was a revelation - a vital new chapter in cyberfeminism, one that explores the relationship between gender, technology and identity. In her urgent manifesto, Russell reveals the many ways that the glitch performs and transforms: how it refuses, throws shade, ghosts, encrypts, mobilises and survives. She argues that we need to embrace the glitch in order to break down the binaries and limitations that define gender, race, sexuality.
The divide between the digital and the real world no longer exists: we are connected all the time. What must we do to work out who we are, and where we belong? How do we find the space to grow, unite and confront the systems of oppression?
For the festival “Spy on Me #3” Russell presents her arguments for the first time to the German public. The online presentation will start with a video essay of Russell, that lays out the world of “Glitch Feminism” and will be followed by a Q&A with the theory curator of HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Margarita Tsomou.