Houseclub präsentiert: Bonn Park

Der Klang der Sehenswürdigkeiten

With the Kulturklasse from Fritz-Karsen-Schule

  • Performance
German /  approx. 30-45 min.
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Get on board! Ride with us on a school bus and experience a tour through this extraordinary city that has so much to offer. Students from the Fritz-Karsen-Schule (Berlin’s oldest community school) tell wacky stories that are true and false. There might not be a bus. The bus is your imagination, and your imagination is boundless. 

By and with: Ece Delikaya, Patricia Geserick, Can Güneş, Melike-Nur Güneş, Mahmoud Iraki, Niklas Kirsch, Gina Kowalski, Theerapon Krekeler, Niko Kuschmann, Nursena Lukow, Lia Miczek, Sejla Music, Natalia Pascarella, Elia Perea Sotolongo, Frieda Reuter, Fritz Seifert, Michelle Thiede, Justin Trottner,  Leonie Zimmerling.


Artistic direction: Bonn Park / Sound design: Elie Gregory / School project management: Andreas Danner / Project assistance: Hiyam Biary & Lydia Schulz




An event serie by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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