In cooperation with “Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen Berlin”

Houseclub & Friends

Part of the focus “Spy On Me”

  • Dialogue
  • Installation
  • Performance
  • Dance

Under the label “Houseclub” workshops with pupils from the Hector Peterson School regularly take place at HAU. Now for the first time, in the context of “Spy on Me” provided by the collaboration with the programme “Cultural Agents for Creative Schools”, Houseclub & Friends will include other schools from three Berlin neighbourhoods. Since the beginning of the season artists and pupils at the Kurt Tucholsky High School, the Fritz Karsen School and the Nehring Primary School have been developing artistic works that will be presented to the public at HAU3 in January 2018:

Lurid titles, lots of exclamation marks, no indication of the author and bad grammar: the spread of fake news is also a matter of style. The students at the Hector Peterson School look into truths and lies, emotional, sung, and screamed out loud. Kareth Schaffer and pupils of Hector-Peterson-School explore Fake News.

What is mobile phone addiction? What does it do to people? What personality disturbances can it provoke? These questions are worked through with the help of the hip-hop dance style and are the thematic focus of the performance by Emine Palabıyık / BORDALINE and the young students of Nehring-Elementary-School. BORDALINE is a collective of three women, Emine Palabıyık, Fidan Sirin and Tiffany Maske, who have established themselves over the last few years in the male-dominated hip-hop scene.

E-mails has been read. Data has been saved. Predictions have been made. The private sphere has been restricted. The future has been called off. What’s next? What’s left? Bogdan Georgescu and pupils of Kurt-Tucholsky-School ask what happens to our data.

In China people monitor themselves. So far only in a couple of cities, soon throughout the country. They have accounts for social points. According to the amount of points they have they can get loans, visas for foreign travel – or also not. The students from the Fritz Karsen School have already arrived in the future. They want to travel. They throw a party, they want to steal points to fatten up their own accounts. But something goes wrong. The installation by Sven Jonke/ Numen deals with the technology of face recognition.


Wednesday January 17, 2018

11:00 / HAU3

Kareth Schaffer & Schüler*innen der Hector-Peterson-Schule
Bad News for Fake News / German

12:00 / HAU3

Sven Jonke / Numen & Schüler*innen der Fritz-Karsen-Schule in Kooperation mit Schüler*innen der Hector-Peterson-Schule 
Keine Geheimnisse / German
Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Andreas Danner

17:00 / HAU3 Houseclub

Emine Palabıyık / BORDALINE & Schüler*innen der Nehring-Grundschule
Addiction! / German
Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Rebecca Korang

18:00 / HAU3

Bogdan Georgescu & Schüler*innen der Kurt-Tucholsky-Schule
All My Secrets / German

Thursday January 18th, 2018

11:00 / HAU3

Bogdan Georgescu & Schüler*innen der Kurt-Tucholsky-Schule
All My Secrets / German

12:00 / HAU3 Houseclub

Emine Palabıyık / BORDALINE & Schüler*innen der Nehring-Grundschule
Addiction! / German
Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Rebecca Korang

14:00 / HAU3

German / Anmeldung unter

17:00 / HAU3

Sven Jonke / Numen & Schüler*innen der Fritz-Karsen-Schule in Kooperation mit Schüler*innen der Hector-Peterson-Schule
Keine Geheimnisse / German
Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Andreas Danner

18:00 / HAU3

Kareth Schaffer & Schüler*innen der Hector-Peterson-Schule
Bad News for Fake News / German




Houseclub & Friends is a cooperation of HAU Hebbel am Ufer and Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen Berlin. Houseclub is part of the programme of HAU Hebbel am Ufer and supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. “Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen Berlin” ist a programme of the German Kinder- und Jugendstiftung, supported by the Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie des Landes Berlin, die MUTIK gGmbH and the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Stiftung Mercator.

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Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

HAU3 unfortunately is not barrier-free. Access to the theatre is via a stairwell (3rd floor). The use of a lift is possible with prior arrangement. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or email us at Wheelchair users are also kindly requested to register their attendance at least one day before the performance.
Thank you for your understanding.

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