Houseclub presents: Ibrahim Quraishi

Hier gibt's harte Kost

  • Performance
  • Dance
Presentation: 27.9.2013 at WAU Re-run: 12.4.2014 (part of the festival „We like China and China likes us”) 

The performance Hier gibt's harte Kost had its premiere in September 2013 as a HOUSECLUB presentation by Ibrahim Quraishi and the students from the Hector Peterson School. Ibrahim Quraishi was a guest of the HOUSECLUB, working and researching with the young people on the topic of the self-portrait. They tell their own stories, trying out the effects of various performance strategies and different media. Using the research material collected, they created a performative installation, which can be seen once again in a new performance in the context of “We like China and China likes us”.



Class 10 of the Hector Peterson School under the direction of Benita Bandow

The performance was created in the framework of the project “We like China and China likes us” – a TANZFONDS PARTNER project.


With: 10. Jahrgang der Hector-Peterson-Schule / Müci, Emilio, Khadija, Osman, Dayo, Melike, Medine, Demet / Concept: Ibrahim Quraishi / Image: Diego Agulló / Sound: Alan Abrahams / Performer: Lan Hungh / Project management school: Benita Bandow / Houseclub-Team: Khaled Sleiman, Lisa Siegel, Ciprian Marinescu


Fri 27.9.2013, 14:00 / HAU2


  • WAU
    Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

    Ground floor access. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available

  • HAU2
    Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

    There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

“You love the people you are meeting.”

A conversation between Bouchra Ouizgen, Yasmeen Godder and Annemie Vanackere.

The Glowing Room

Text by Hendrik Otremba.

An Introduction to “Collectivize Facebook”

By Jonas Staal

“Collectivize Facebook” is a lawsuit aimed to turn Facebook into public property, initiated by artist Jonas Staal and lawyer Jan Fermon. Read here Staal’s introduction to the project.

“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

As part of the festival “The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures”, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures.