Houseclub präsentiert:

Die Jugend von heute, gestern & vorgestern

By and with the culture class at the Fritz Karsen School
Part of “Berlin bleibt! #4”
Part of “Eleven years of Houseclub”


  • Exhibition

The pivot point of the focus on “Eleven Years of Houseclub” is the exhibition “Die Jugend von heute, gestern & vorgestern” (“The Youth of Today, Yesterday and the Day Before That”). That's, of course, why we've enlisted the support of our culture class from the Fritz Karsen School, which has discussed and decided the exhibition's theme and content. For the first time, visitors of the Houseclub have the opportunity to get an impression of the work created there over the past decade. Spanning analogue performances, audio, visuals and new digital contributions, the exhibition can be viewed over two days. What makes Houseclub unique in the cultural-education landscape is the long-term connection with its partner schools and classes. Stop by and get an impression for yourself! You'll also have the chance to let our young co-curators guide you through the exhibition.



30.06., 16:00–20:00
1.7., 15:00–19:00. Weather permitting: 15:00–18:00 screen printing with Şipşak Druck in front of Houseclub
2.7., 15:00–19:00


Part of “Berlin bleibt #4 − Treffpunkt Mehringplatz”, a HAU Hebbel am Ufer festival. Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. Supported by: Hector-Peterson-Schule, Fritz-Karsen-Schule, KMAntenne, Jugendkunstschule Friedrichshain Kreuzberg FriX Berg, Jugendkunstschule Young Arts Neukölln.

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications