Isabelle Schad


Part of the trilogy “Group Works”

  • Dance
approx. 55 mins.
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“Reflection” is perception, observation, transformation and perspective. A group of performers negotiates the theatre as a space for social gathering, (re)presentation and an apparatus whose motors interact with the biomechanics and different energies of the human body’s movements.

The work invites into a hybrid zone made of sculptural figurations, chain reactions and mirrored realities, inanimate and alive bodies – resonating bodies made of many, that can break, fall apart and re-consolidate: A powerfully sensuous experience shifting between monstrosity and contemplation.

“Reflection” is the last part of a trilogy on the collective body. From the community that we form (“Collective Jumps”) to the analogy of nature (“Pieces and Elements”), “Reflection” brings the focus to energetic and physical forces that make us move and the importance of the singularity to move others. The trilogy will be presented to the Berlin audience in a continuous period at the Uferstudios and HAU Hebbel am Ufer.

Collective Jumps / Uferstudios:
31.3., 19:00
1.4., 19:00
Tickets and further information

Pieces & Elements / Uferstudios: 
2.4., 19:00
3.4., 19:00
Tickets and further information


Concept & Choreography: Isabelle Schad / Co-Choreography & Performance: Juan Corres Benito, Barbara Berti, Frederike Doffin, Ewa Dziarnowska, Josephine Findeisen, Przemek Kaminski, Mathis Kleinschnittger, Manuel Lindner, Jan Lorys, Jasmin İhraç, Claudia Tomasi, Aya Toraiwa, Nir Vidan, Natalia Wilk / Dramaturgical Collaboration: Saša Božić / Composition & Sound: Damir Šimunović / Light Design & Technical Direction: Emma Juliard / Costumes: Charlotte Pistorius / Costume Assistance: Maja Svartåker / Theoretical Advice: Elena Basteri / PR & Social Media: Rike Nölting / Production Management: Heiko Schramm




Production: Isabelle Schad. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Pact Zollverein Essen. Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds. Supported by: Wiesen55 e.V., Goethe-Institut Indonesia. The re-run is funded by: Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

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Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Access to the Parkett by means of a separate entrance with lift when necessary. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can be booked via the ticketing system. If you need any help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email at

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