Jorge León

Before We Go (Belgium 2014, 82min)

Part of "The Power of Powerlessness"

    82 Min

    Three people near the end of their lives meet with choreographers, such as Meg Stuart and Simone Aughterlony, actors and musicians at the opera house in Brussels. They take part in a unique experience involving music, dance and silence in an attempt to give shape to the questions, hopes and fears that the end of life gives rise to. Jorge León’s film is a tribute to the fragility of the human condition, between reality and representation, the tragedy of the body and the freedom of the spirit.
    Trailer (via youtube)

    With the support of Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de VOO. Co-production: Present Perfect, CBA – Centre de l’audiovisuel à Bruxelles, RTBF – Unité de Programmes Documentaires, Les Films du Fleuve, Pillarbox a division of New Impact, with the support of Tax Shelter of the Federal Government of Belgium, Cinéfinance Tax Shelter, with the support of De Munt – La Monnaie, TOPAZ, NV Lloyd, La Ville de Bruxelles.


    Mit: Simone Aughterlony, Walter Hus, Benoît Lachambre, Noël Minéo, Lidia Schoue, Meg Stuart, George Van Dam, Michel Vassart, Alex Verster, Thomas Wodianka / Regie: Jorge León / Kamera: Rémon Fromont, Jorge León, Thomas Schira / Musik: Liesbeth Devos, Walter Hus, George van Dam, Alexander Verster / Regieassistenz: Célia Dessardo / Ton: Quentin Jacques / Austattung und Kostüm: Ann Weckx, Natacha Belova, Silvia Hasenclever / Schnitt: Marie-Hélène Mora / Tonmischung: Benoît Biral / Produktion: DERIVES - Julie Freres / Line-Producer: Véronique Marit, Sabine Raskin




    Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

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