Michael Laub / The Cambodian Space Project

Portrait Series Battambang / Galaxy Khmer

  • Performance
  • Music
Duration: Portrait Series Battambang 1:30 / Interval 0:30 / Galaxy Khmer 1:10

Michael Laub Portrait Series Battambang (Film)
Khmer with English subtitles

Are we really all as individual as we think? In his "Portrait Series", which he has realized in various places all over the world, Michael Laub is concerned with the question of what happens if he stages people in a setting that always remains the same – independent of the geographical and cultural differences in which they circulate. For some time now, the Brussels-based director and choreographer has been regularly travelling to Cambodia. His research in the milieu surrounding the Phare Ponleu Selpak – an NGO that promotes cultural reconstruction in the Southeast Asian country after the end of the Pol Pot regime – formed the framework for the "Portrait Series Battambang". In comparison to the last installment in this series, which was produced at the Burgtheater in Vienna, the results here could not be more different. This time, instead of placing the performers on stage, Michael Laub has captured them on video. The recordings add up to a sad and poetic, but also highly vital microcosm of a society that is liberating itself from the shackles and consequences of colonialism, and seeking to get a clear view to the future beyond the memory of the horrors of the past. Cambodia’s fate is epitomized by the chequered history that rock ’n’ roll has undergone in the country. During the ‘60s, there emerged a unique and highly original way of interpreting genuinely western musical styles such as garage, surf, space or psychedelic rock. The key figures were persecuted and eliminated during the Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror. A new generation of bands has brought back this almost forgotten tradition, and is now pursuing it to great success, both artistically and commercially.
The Cambodian Space Project Galaxy Khmer (Music / Performance) With dancers, musicians from Phare Ponleu Selpak / concept: Michael Laub /
visuals: Marc Eberle, Tim Huys

In the second part of the evening, directly following the screening of the "Portrait Series Battambang", Michael Laub presents a concert by the Phnom Penh-based band The Cambodian Space Project. The ensemble will be joined by other musicians and dancers from Phnom Penh and Battambang. In addition, there will be visuals by the documentary filmmaker Marc Eberle, made especially for this project. What this all amounts to is a bizarre, surreal "rock ’n’ roll circus", the formal language of which is inspired by the psychedelic multimedia performances of the ‘60s. Under the title "Galaxy Khmer", Michael Laub brings to the stage his personal vision of a convergence of "Video, Memory and Rock ’n’ Roll".

Staging Cambodia Concept: Michael Laub/ Remote Control Productions, Annemie Vanackere.

Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Phare Ponleu Selpak Association, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen and House on Fire with the support of the Cultural programme of the European Union.

Funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Norwegian Association for Performing Arts.


Directed by: Michael Laub / Concept and direction: Michael Laub / Music : The Cambodian Space Project / Srey Channthy (Vocals) / Bun Sophea (Base) / Julien Malcolm Poulson (Guitar) / Yus Sak (Percussion) / Musicians: Ly Vanthan (Tro/Percussion), Peou Pitey (Khim), Touch Srey (Roneat) of / Phare Performing Social Enterprise Co. Ltd. / Dancers: Ly Teyva, Khen Vanthurn, Khen Vanthy / Visuals: Marc Eberle / Tim Huys / With: Chhim Kiry, Srey Chanreaksmey, Porn Leout, Chhuon Khema, Mav Veng, Choun Chan Minear, Pon Channiat, Choun Chan Neary, Pan Nara, Yout Vanny, Nat Soknan, Chea Sopheara, Mohamed Saliou Bangoura, Phat Samnang, Mao Yeethien, Rem Sok Kheang, Houn Sophea, Johnny / Coproduction: Phare Performing Social Enterprise Co. Ltd. / Director of Photography and Editor: Ebru Karaca / Second Camera: Chen Long, Third World Studios, Phnom Penh Cambodia / Production management: Xavier Gobin / Artistic advisor and production assistant: Mathieu Ly / Light : Jochen Massar, Mao Yeethien / Sound mix: Jean-Pierre Urbano, Border Arts Studio, Professional Audio Productions / Translator: Kang Rithisal, Sok Kunthy, Hin Dilen / Social worker: Nou Dalin / Subtitles: Chhuon Sarin / Stage: Mao Yeethien, Rem Sok Kheang / Technical team: Mao Sophea, Mao Yeethien, Rem Sok Kheang / Recording assistants: Thuon Sovankiri, Van Vichheka, Sam Sopheak, Sam Kosal / Music: “Black To Gold” by The Cambodian Space Project / Assistant director: Declan Rooney / Production Cambodia: Jean-Christophe Sidoit / Production : Jana Bäskau, Sven Neumann / Tour Manager: Xavier Gobin, Coralie Morillion / Thanks to : Mathieu Damperon, Astrid Endruweit


  • Thu 16.1.2014, 20:00 / HAU1
  • Sat 18.1.2014, 20:00 / HAU1


Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

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