Studios Kabako

Letters from the Continent

  • Film
Various languages /  German subtitles /  With English subtitles / 

The film “Letters from the Continent”, co-produced by HAU, was conceived and shot in May and June 2020 and features 21 artists who live and create in Cape Town, Dakar, Lagos, Maputo, Moroni, Tunis, and other cities. Filmed during the Covid-19 pandemic it reflects on how for many people there has always been some sort of crisis, either in the form of health, political or, above all, economic crisis and how the handling of it makes them everyday heroes of their lives.

From the place they live and dream, each of them speaks and dances about their difficulties, worries but also their survival strategies and hopes. More than ever, they reaffirm the urgency to create, here and now, against all odds.

These 21 letters, these 21 self-portraits introduce a new generation of dancers, choreographers, performers and actors who juggle with their surroundings to better invent and share stories of the African continent in full mutation.



Fatoumata Bagayoko (Mali, sent from Bamako)

Collectif d’Art-d’Art / Michael Disanka & Christiana Tabaro (DRCongo, sent from Kinshasa)

Cie La Mer noire / Alioune Sow, Khoudia Touré, Kirsner Tsengou Dingha & Pierre-Claver Belleka aka Dexter (Senegal, Liberia, Republic of Congo, sent from Dakar)

Hamdi Dridi (Tunisia, sent from Montpellier / France)

Didier Ediho (DRCongo, sent from Kinshasa)

Chourouk El-Mahati, Moad Haddadi, Mohamed Lamqayssi (Morocco, sent from Belfort / France)

Kaïsha Essiane (Gabon, sent from Libreville)

Marcel Gbeffa (Benin, sent from Gaborone / Botswana)

Qondiswa James (Republic of South Africa, sent from Cape Town)

Samwel Japhet (Tanzania, sent from Dar-es-Salaam)

Jeannot Kumbonyeki (DRCongo, sent from Kinshasa)

Souleymane Ladji Kone (Burkina Faso, sent from Ouagadougou)

Seifeddine Manai (Tunisia, sent from Tunis)

Judith Olivia Manantenasoa (Madagascar, sent from Antananarivo)

Dorine Mokha (DRCongo, sent from Lubumbashi)

Abdoul Mujyambere (Rwanda, sent from Kigali)

Salim Mzé Hamadi Moisi (Comoros, sent from Moroni)

Nagham Salah Othman (Sudan, sent from Cairo)

Germaine Sikota (Togo, sent from Lome)

Maria Tembé (Mozambique, sent from Maputo)

Westsyde Lifestyle / Ambrose Idemudia Joshua, Daniel Emmanuel Olajuwon, Ordia Eromose & Osokoya Yemi (Nigeria, sent from from Lagos)


Artistic direction: Faustin Linyelula, Virginie Dupray / Post-production: Faustin Linyekula, Franck Mokha / Assistant post-production: Samuel Abotipay, Chimène Baofa, Benjamin Bukasa, Derhwa Kasunzu, Loys Linyekula, Antoine Mawazo, Dorcas Mulamba


Tue 6.10.2020, 19:00 / HAU1 + HAU4


Production: Studios Kabako / Virginie Dupray, Isaac Yenga, Jonathan Adnan. Coproduction: A-CDCN / CEC ArtsLink / Charleroi Danse Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie Bruxelles. L’échangeur CDCN Hauts-de-France / Festival de Marseille / Hau Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin / Institut français Paris  / Kaserne Basel  / Manège, scène nationale, Reims / La Manufacture, CDCN Nouvelle Aquitaine Bordeaux La Rochelle / MC 93 Bobigny / Palais des Beaux-Arts (BOZAR) Brussels / Spielart Theaterfestival Munich / Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne / Touka danses CDCN Guyane / Pro Helvetia Johannesburg, with Swiss Arts Council & Swiss Agency for Development. With support from L’Art Rue Tunis and the National Arts Festival - RSA



Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Access to the Parkett by means of a separate entrance with lift when necessary. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can be booked via the ticketing system. If you need any help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email at

Digital Stage

HAU’s digital stage

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Video Documentation

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