machina eX

Layers of Life

Starting point: Canteen at HB55 (Herzbergstraße 55, 10365 Berlin)

  • Game
German /  approx. 60 mins

10 square metres to go. That’s enough to write a little German-German economic history between the jars of preserves, folding chairs, and chemical toilet. In the general gold-rush atmosphere of German reunification, Eddy Hornberger travels to his former home to get a piece of the pie that the privatisation process of the former GDR enterprises promises. But in the turmoil of reunification process, everyone loses their overview much too quickly. In an abandoned camper van, which serves as the location for the new game by machina eX, up to four players set off on a journey through time to the early 1990s. Together, they connect the hidden tracks and combine perspectives that have been ripped apart. Layer by layer, the audience members uncover the fictional biography of an ambivalent character who was involved in selling off the “people’s property” of the former East Germany at Treuhand (an agency established in 1990 to privatise former GDR enterprises over the course of reunification). In “Layers of Life”, machina eX explores the playful potential that rests in the discovery and assembly of a story – somewhere between augmented audio radio play, explorative game and narrative spatial installation.


Please note:

Please be at the starting point (canteen at Herzbergstr. 55) at least 15 minutes before the start of the performance. There you will be given a pair of headphones – please bring a deposit (photo ID or similar). The starting point is located at the tram stop Herzbergstr./Siegfriedstr. (tram M5, M8, M10, M13). During the performance, you will move from Herzbergstr. 55 to the grounds of the Fahrbereitschaft.

Part of the performance includes some routes (partly via stairs) that are covered on foot. Unfortunately, the performance is not suitable for people with limited mobility. Warm clothing and sturdy shoes are recommended.

“Layers of Life” is a 2G performance for up to four players at a time. Please bring appropriate proof (vaccination certificate or proof of recovery). Without this proof, participation in the performance is not possible. Medical mouth and nose protection must be worn in the mobile home.

If you have any problems finding the starting point on the day of the performance or have any other last-minute questions, you can contact our admissions staff at 0162 5182555 (from 4 pm on weekdays, 1 pm at weekends).


Concept: machina eX / Performance (Audio): Esther Becker, Laura Naumann, Tina Pfurr, Martin Schnippa, Leon Ullrich / Text: Clara Ehrenwerth / Scenography: Barbara Lenartz / Interaction Design and Programming: Sebastian Arnd, Benedikt Kaffai / Sound Design: Matthias Millhoff / Dramaturgy: Lena Vöcklinghaus / Assistant Scenography: Theresa Reiwer / Assistant Game Design: Anton Rose / Webdesign: Philip Steimel / Assistance production: Ines Strzedulla / Production management: Sina Kießling


  • Premiere
    Thu 25.11.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 25.11.2021, 17:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 25.11.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 25.11.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 25.11.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 25.11.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 26.11.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 26.11.2021, 17:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 26.11.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 26.11.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 26.11.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 26.11.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 14:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 14:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 15:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 16:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 27.11.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 14:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 14:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 15:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 16:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 28.11.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Wed 1.12.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Wed 1.12.2021, 17:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Wed 1.12.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Wed 1.12.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Wed 1.12.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Wed 1.12.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 2.12.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 2.12.2021, 17:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 2.12.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 2.12.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 2.12.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Thu 2.12.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 3.12.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 3.12.2021, 17:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 3.12.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 3.12.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 3.12.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Fri 3.12.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 14:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 14:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 15:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 16:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sat 4.12.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 14:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 14:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 15:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 16:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Sun 5.12.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Mon 6.12.2021, 17:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Mon 6.12.2021, 17:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Mon 6.12.2021, 18:30 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Mon 6.12.2021, 19:15 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Mon 6.12.2021, 20:00 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
  • Mon 6.12.2021, 20:45 / Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation

Please be at the starting point (canteen at Herzbergstr. 55) at least 15 minutes before the start of the performance. There you will be given a pair of headphones – please bring a deposit (photo ID or similar). The starting point is located at the tram stop Herzbergstr./Siegfriedstr. (tram M5, M8, M10, M13). During the performance, you will move from Herzbergstr. 55 to the grounds of the Fahrbereitschaft.

Part of the performance includes some routes (partly via stairs) that are covered on foot. Unfortunately, the performance is not suitable for people with limited mobility. Warm clothing and sturdy shoes are recommended.

“Layers of Life” is a 2G performance for up to four players at a time. Please bring appropriate proof (vaccination certificate or proof of recovery). Without this proof, participation in the performance is not possible. Medical mouth and nose protection must be worn in the mobile home.

If you have any problems finding the starting point on the day of the performance or have any other last-minute questions, you can contact our admissions staff at 0162 5182555 (from 4 pm on weekdays, 1 pm at weekends).


Production: machina eX. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, FFT Düsseldorf. Funded by: Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Supported by: you are warmly invited


Fahrbereitschaft der haubrok foundation
Herzbergstraße 40-43, 10365 Berlin

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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Video Documentation

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