Nicoleta Esinencu

American Dream

  • Theatre
85 min

A new work by Nicoleta Esinencu that takes the dream of a Moldovan student to travel to America and to work there as a starting point. The dream comes true, but unfortunately reality always gets complicated. She ends up in the nightmare of working illegally in Moscow in order to pay the debts made in America. A bizarre story which offers a great opportunity to talk about the two superpowers that influence the whole world.  


Von: Nicoleta Esinencu / Mit: Tatiana Miron, Veaceslav Sambriș, Doriana Talmazan / Video: Nikolai Razgon




Production: Teatru Spălătorie (Chişinău).

Supported by: Goethe Institute.


Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

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