Concept, dramaturgy, direction: Kathi Kraft, Toni Minge, Luzia Oppermann, Caspar Weimann / Design and game development: minge+schmidt / Performance: Luzia Oppermann (Loulu), Katrija Lehmann (Frida), Maxi Thienen (der.Valentino), Alina Hidic (fit_girl), Otiti Engelhardt (BayernLiebevonJana), Lily Josephin Frank (B*tch of the East), Vivi Gutheinz (makeup.with.lisa), Kim Patrick Biele (CatMe1995) / Performance: Sarah Palarczyk and David Krzysteczko (SweeTLove), Dominik Tippelt (Johann.Gronheimer), Mona Georgia Müller (LenaMusic), Jacqueline Marcel Gisdol (DonSeduction) and many more / Dramaturgy (HAU Hebbel am Ufer): Sarah Reimann / Feedback and Playtesting: Jasmin Degeling, Sarah Fartuun Heinze, Mick Prinz (Amadeu Antonio Stiftung: Good Gaming – Well Played Democracy), Marie Kristin Rodewald (Universität Hamburg), Arne Vogelgesang (internil) u.a.