Planet Hora

A Space Odyssey into the Depths of the Universe of Work

  • Film
German subtitles /  English subtitles /  Swiss German phonetic language /  99 mins.
Eine Gruppe Menschen tanzt und singt gemeinsam in einem Innenhof mit Palmen.
Eine Person steht in einer Sandgrube. Links von ihr brennt ein Bengalofeuer.

For a long time now, the Hora Theatre has been representing a different view of the world as well as a special experience of time and working time. But what happens when the Horas and their new management take a trip into the future? Off into the universe, to distant galaxies, starry vortices and unknown planets? Planets inhabited by alien life forms, bureaucrats, philosophers, workers and creatures who have better things to do than “hold a steady job”? Science fiction squared, the potentiated truth of the power of invention? We promise new findings on work and leisure, but above all, real insights into life on distant planets with aliens, music, dance, bands, robots and many unknowns.

First conceived as a play, now realised as a brilliant science-fiction film.


Conception: Yanna Rüger, Stephan Stock / Direction: Yanna Rüger / Co-direction: Heta Multanen, Stephan Stock / Script: Ralf Fiedler, Yanna Rüger, Heta Multanen, Stephan Stock und HORA Ensemble / Camera: Heta Multanen / Sound: Thomas Jeker / Scenographic realization: Thomas Giger, Charlotte Martin / Costumes: Sophie Reble, Sabrina Bosshard / Music: Thomas Jeker, HORA’BAND / Cut: Heta Multanen / Light: Christian Eckstein / Technical director: Christian Eckstein / Dramaturgical advice: Ralf Fiedler / Assistant to the director: Anna Fierz / Technical assistant: Lara Hausheer / Theater pedagogy: Anna Fierz, Fiona Schmid / Production management: Adrian T. Mai / Agogic support: Fiona Schmid, Amadea Schütz / Internship: Magdalena Neuhaus / Civilian service: Noah Beeler / Set construction: Daniel Pfister, Holzplus / Subtitles (D/CH): Yanna Rüger, Stephan Stock / Subtitles (UK): Jan Agar / With: Noha Badir, Remo Beuggert, Gianni Blumer, Andy Böni, Matthias Brücker, Cécile Creuzburg, Caitlin Friedly, Robin Gilly, Simone Gisler, Nikolai Gralak, Matthias Grandjean, Julia Häusermann, Lucas Maurer, Serafin Michel, Tiziana Pagliaro, Yanna Rüger, Fredi Senn, Stephan Stock, Simon Stuber, Fabienne Villiger, HORA’BAND (Denise Wick Ross, Dr. Vree, Enrico Rizzi, Lukas Selinger, Roli Strobel, Dario Zanni)


Thu 10.11.2022, 17:00 / HAU4
To the event on HAU4

Afterwards available until 19.11. in the HAUthek on 


Production: Theater HORA. Co-production: Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich, Theaterspektakel Zürich.

Thanks to: Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stiftung Symphasis, Stiftung Züriwerk, Förderverein Theater HORA, Kulturpark Zürich-West, Landis & Gyr Stiftung.

The subtitling in D/CH/UK was made possible by PRO HELVETIA.


Digital Stage

HAU’s digital stage

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

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