Ricardo de Paula


  • Film
  • Dance
Brazilian Portuguese /  English /  French /  With English subtitles /  SDH /  Spanish / 

MIMIMI Space is an experimental, interdisciplinary format that creates a space for artistic engagement with racism, a laboratory for self-reflection and healing. The Black body is at the centre of the project, with its inscribed history, memories and experiences. The knowledge of the historical origins of racist structures and the philosophies and ways of thinking that determine them creates the basis for looking ahead. With an awareness of the past and a vision for the future, MIMIMI Space questions the present.

MIMIMI Space consists of two parts: 
The first part took place December 5-7 2020 at HAU4 and can still be watched there. Three encounters in different formats – a shared meal, performance, improvised dance –illuminate different perspectives on the Black body and relate them to each other. The events are framed by films and objects documenting de Paula's artistic work. In always new ways, he points out the urgency of dealing with racism.

“ORI CLEANSE” is the second part of the project. The dance performance is a political statement, a self-empowerment and purification. It is a step towards a decolonised future in which all people are free subjects. The six dancers with very diverse biographical and dancing backgrounds develop new ways of thinking, being and acting on stage, determine themselves the images and ideas they have of themselves and what they want to awaken in others. They show an overwhelming belief in the power of their bodies, their community and solidarity, which gives hope for healing and the beginning of a new era.

A source of strength lies in nature, in the awareness for oneself and every other life. In this context, treating yourself and your own body well is a step towards a holistic way of thinking that avoids exploitative structures. The universe, Olorum, stands here for the connection with a larger context. From the vastness of the universe shines the vulnerability and magnificence of life on earth without borders. The dancers orbit each other like stars and refer to something that goes beyond us humans, connects us and makes empathy possible.


Dancers: Ruben Nsue, NSHK, Kalil Joigny, Exocé Kasongo, Cintia Rangel, Thiago Ferreira Samambaia / MIMIMI Team: Artistic direction: Ricardo de Paula / Assistant direction: Natalie Riedelsheimer / Dramaturgy: Katja von der Ropp / Stage: Zé de Paiva / Graphics & web design: Miro Wallner / Lighting design: Raquel Rosildete / Musik: Biano Lima / Costume: Andreina Vieira dos Santos / Video: Zé de Paiva & Kathleen Kunath / Production management: MIFRUSH Production Micaela Trigo/Urszula Heuwinkel / Communications: Kerstin Böttcher


To the event on HAU4


Funded by Haupstadtkulturfonds. Co production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. In collaboration with SAVVY Contemporary and Grupo Oito.


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