Rimini Protokoll (Helgard Haug)

Chinchilla Arschloch, waswas

  • Theatre
German /  With English subtitles /  approx. 100 Min.
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At first glance it seems impossible to make theatre with Tourette syndrome: Anything that is not compatible with Tourette’s has to be changed. But exactly these changes form a text at some point. Christian Hempel, Benjamin Jürgens and Bijan Kaffenberger, all of whom experience Tourette’s, appear on stage for the first time in “Chinchilla Arschloch, waswas”. Together they put theatre to the test: How much unintentionality can it sustain? And is the stage designed for the opposite – precision, repeatability, control?


Invited to the Theatertreffen 2020. Statement of the Jury:
Helgard Haug’s “Chinchilla Arschloch, waswas” only at first glance appears to be a fun show about people who have Tourette’s syndrome and live with tics – with uncontrollable words, sounds, movements. Because this research project featuring experts of the everyday also deals with the theatre itself, its limitations and capabilities. The dramatic text is created anew every day. Anything can happen, because Tourette’s is very difficult to control. To accommodate this, Haug and her protagonists have created specific spaces and situations for acting and given them a precise rhythm. But the show is also about the audience, who are triggered and scolded, who get hugs and presents. It’s about “breaking character”. About a utopian society where anything is possible and everyone is welcome.                                                                         


Concept, text & direction: Rimini Protokoll, Helgard Haug (Rimini Protokoll) / With: Rimini Protokoll, Helgard Haug / Mit: Christian Hempel, Benjamin Jürgens, Bijan Kaffenberger, Sven Lüders, Barbara Morgenstern, Stefan Schliephake / Composition & music: Barbara Morgenstern / Set: Mascha Mazur / Video: Marc Jungreithmeier / Light design: Johannes Richter / Light Design (Berlin adaption): Sebastian Zamponi / Dramaturgy: Cornelius Puschke / Dramaturgy Künstlerhaus Mousonturm: Anna Wagner / Research & artistic collaboration: Meret Kiderlen / Production management Künstlerhaus Mousonturm: Olivia Ebert / Production management Rimini Protokoll / touring: Juliane Männel / Set design assistance: Marius Baumgartner, Loriana Casagrande / Production assistance: Desislava Tsoneva / Video assistance: Lukas Lenfert / Performing rights: schaefersphilippen Theater und Medien GbR / Music rights: Barbara Morgenstern © Maobeat Musikverlag/Budde Music Publishing GmbH


  • Wed 5.6.2019, 20:00 / Online/Public Viewing
  • Thu 6.6.2019, 20:30 / Online/Public Viewing
  • Fri 7.6.2019, 20:30 / Online/Public Viewing
  • Wed 6.5.2020, 20:00 / Online/Public Viewing


Production: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Schauspiel Frankfurt, Rimini Protokoll. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Westdeutscher Rundfunk. Funded by: Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses, Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain within the focus „Erzählung.Macht.Identität“, Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege within the project series UNLIMITED II for the funding of exemplary positions of contemporary Performing Arts.

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Video Documentation

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