Berlin bleibt! #3

Schaufenster Friedrichstraße 4

9.–27.6.2021 / open around the clock
Part of “Berlin bleibt #3”

  • Exhibition
A photo of the shop window in the vacant shop with HAU posters. A construction site in the foreground.

A shop without any goods. An invitation to walk by and take a look. For three weeks, a vacant shop at Friedrichstraße 4 becomes the shop window of “Berlin bleibt #3! Werkstatt Mehringplatz”. On display are the first results and insights from encounters between art and the neighbourhood: drawings, embroidery, photos, videos by artists and neighbours, information and perspectives on what is happening in the neighbourhood. Come by and see what we are working on.

With: @cheeky.tas, erklär mir mal…, ongoing project, Kadir “Amigo” Memiş, Stadt Tatreez, Houseclub und Kreuzberger Musikalische Aktion e.V., Frauen-Frühstücksgruppe des Quartiersmanagement Mehringplatz, Yorgos Konstantinou / Imagistan, Kiezgruppe Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen,  Mehringplatz West – Es reicht!, Parkakademie



On Mondays and Thursdays, a team from HAU Hebbel am Ufer is on site between 12 and 4pm: outside, in one-to-one conversations, to pass on information, drink a cup of tea and and exchange ideas.

10., 14., 17., 21., + 24.6. 12:00–16:00

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications