What role has the varied and extremely contradictory figure of the pioneer played in the suppressed era of real existing socialism? How does it relate to the myth of the flexible and networking innovator and forerunner now used as a model in the time of neoliberalism? In what ways can this pioneer be used for an artistic subjectivity that exceeds exactly these social norms. In their concert-performance, the choreographers and performers Camilla Milena Fehér and Sylvi Kretzschmar consolidate their questions to the pioneering spirit into images of cool beauty that are as abstract as they are poetic. SKILLS enter unknown territory to find out how all of this has got such a hold on us.
Produktion: SKILLS. Koproduktion: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Kampnagel (Hamburg), Theater im Pumpenhaus (Münster). Gefördert aus Mitteln des Hauptstadtkulturfonds und der Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg.