This is Berlin: a night can last four days

  • Tanz im August

From 28-31 August 2014 the 8th edition of TANZNACHT BERLIN presents 100 artists in 30 remarkable choreographies and performances, video installations and artistic practices at the Uferstudios | Tanzfabrik Wedding and at Galerie Patrick Ebensperger – featuring, among others: Alexandre Achour, TanzZeit Jugendcompany Evoke & Kadir 'Amigo' Memis, David Brandstätter & Malgven Gerbes, Dragana Bulut, Club Real, Begüm Erciyas, Frédéric Gies, Martin Hansen, Juan Gabriel Harcha, Raphael Hillebrand, Sergiu Matis, Eva Meyer-Keller & Sybille Müller, Kenji Ouellet, Ricardo de Paula, Jochen Roller, Tian Rotteveel, Angela Schubot & Jared Gradinger, Agata Siniarska & Diego Agulló, Niels ‚Storm' Robitzky, Jolika Sudermann, Kat Válastur, Louise Wagner, Christoph Winkler, Siegmar Zacharias & Alice Chauchat.

For more information please visit: www.tanznachtberlin.de

A production by Tanzfabrik Berlin. Funded by the Capital Cultural Fund. In collaboration with: Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Uferstudios GmbH, Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin, mapping dance berlin, Galerie Patrick Ebensperger. In the frame of the network apap – advancing performing arts projects / Performing Europe 2011-16. Supported by EU Culture / apap network.


  • Thu 28.8.2014, 17:00 / Uferstudios
  • Fri 29.8.2014, 18:00 / Uferstudios
  • Sat 30.8.2014, 13:00 / Uferstudios
  • Sun 31.8.2014, 17:00 / Uferstudios


Uferstraße 23, 13357 Berlin

The Uferstudios have good wheelchair accessibility (including sanitary facilities).
For further enquiries, please call: 030 46060887

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

“You love the people you are meeting.”

A conversation between Bouchra Ouizgen, Yasmeen Godder and Annemie Vanackere.

The Glowing Room

Text by Hendrik Otremba.

An Introduction to “Collectivize Facebook”

By Jonas Staal

“Collectivize Facebook” is a lawsuit aimed to turn Facebook into public property, initiated by artist Jonas Staal and lawyer Jan Fermon. Read here Staal’s introduction to the project.

“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

As part of the festival “The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures”, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures.