Ula Sickle

Kinshasa Electric

  • Tanz im August

For the past few years the Toronto-born and Brussels-based choreographer Ula Sickle has regularly worked in the DR Congo. Her artistic encounters there gave rise to several collaborative projects. For Kinshasa Electric she teamed up with three young Congolese dancers to explore the popular dances of the moment, from local concert stages and nightclub dance floors. With German-Israeli DJ Baba Electronica, they created a soundtrack mixing international rhythms with local beats. Rather than focusing on the distance between Africa and the rest of the world, Kinshasa Electric pinpoints the many connections and exchanges taking place within a globalized context.

The performance delves into the blurred lines between here and there, between popular and high culture, art and commerce, authenticity and selling out. Sickle set out to capture the openness, ingenuity and surprise of the collaborative process.
Video trailer:

Produktion: Caravan Production (Brüssel). Koproduktion: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, KVS (Brüssel), Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival (Groningen), SPRING Performing Arts Festival (Utrecht), NXTSTP, DÉPARTS mit der Unterstützung von Kulturprogramm der Europäischen Union Unterstützt durch Flämische Landesbehörde – Internationale Projekte, Flämischen Gemeinschafstkommission der Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Goethe-Instituts. In Kooperation mit den Sophiensaelen.

There will be a Physical Introduction to

"Kinshasa Electric" - For more information click here.


Direction: Ula Sickle / Creation, performance, style: Popaul Amisi, Daniela Bershan, Jeannot Kumbonyeki Deba, Joel Makabi Tenda / Musical concept and live sound: Baba Electronica (Daniela Bershan) / Scenography: Ula Sickle, Daniela Bershan / Lighting design: Ula Sickle, Gwen Laroche / Dramaturgy: Sébastien Hendrickx / Technician: Gwen Laroche / Executive production: Caravan Production / Production assistant Kinshasa: Dada Kahindo Siku


  • Wed 20.8.2014, 21:00 / Sophiensæle Festsaal
  • Thu 21.8.2014, 17:00 / Sophiensæle Festsaal
  • Thu 21.8.2014, 21:00 / Sophiensæle Festsaal


Sophiensæle Festsaal
Sophienstr. 18, 10178 Berlin

The Kantine is at ground level and accessible without steps. The Festsaal (1st floor) and Hochzeitssaal (3rd floor) can be reached via an elevator (1.76 m x 2.71 m) when accompanied by the house staff. To use the elevator please contact our evening staff. The distance from the street to the elevator is approx. 60 m.

An accessible toilet (entrance door 1m in width) is available on the 1st floor and can be reached via the elevator. It can be accessed via the Festsaal foyer. For events in the Hochzeitssaal there is a WC on the 3rd floor with an entrance and cabin door 81 cm wide, the other cabin doors are 56 cm wide. From the 3rd floor as well as from the ground floor you can reach the accessible WC on the 1st floor by using the elevator.

Wheelchair users and persons with impaired mobility are requested to give advance notice by barrierefreiheit@sophiensaele.com or ringing the venue at 030 27 89 00 35. 
Further information:  https://sophiensaele.com/en/service/barrierefreiheit


HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

“You love the people you are meeting.”

A conversation between Bouchra Ouizgen, Yasmeen Godder and Annemie Vanackere.

The Glowing Room

Text by Hendrik Otremba.

An Introduction to “Collectivize Facebook”

By Jonas Staal

“Collectivize Facebook” is a lawsuit aimed to turn Facebook into public property, initiated by artist Jonas Staal and lawyer Jan Fermon. Read here Staal’s introduction to the project.

“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

As part of the festival “The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures”, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures.